Why are they all the same?

I dont need the typical “they are men” answers. Im serious. Why is it, a man can hear your entire relationship history and tell you that hes interested in why you have trust issues, and then they tell you that theyre there for you, and that wont be like “the others” when in all actuallity they end up as the same bs story? Please tell me im not the only female thats come across this problem.

Answer #1

You’re coming across the wrong guys it seems.

Answer #2

I have my fair share of these situations and you know why because the ons that actually mean it are the few that have been hurt by women themselves and havent just judge every woman on one when you meet this person you’ll know because they wil wait for you and not only just listen to you but open up themselves so no not every man is like that just majority, Just take time and he will come along just like mine did

Answer #3

Most males will do it as an excuse to get closer to a women but if you ever are lucky enough to meet a guy like myself who will show they care and will be interested and will ask questions and will offer support make sure he is the 1 that you get close to and make sure that he means what he says and not a bs story!

waitigforhim is right when she says that if a guy does listen and shows he is interested he has probably been hurt by a woman sometime in his life or his father or older male figure that he has respected hasnt shown respect for woman and so he wont be able to tell what he should or shouldnt do.

As a man it also makes me angry/sad when woman judge ALL men on just a couple of idiots who dont know how to treat a woman with respect but let me tell you that there a some not many I will admit but some men that care. you will find that 1 person that cares about everything you say

Answer #4

erm… no he wasnt the first guy that showed he cared. I’ve been engaged before…

Answer #5

the funny thing is, I did find the one guy that actually listened, asked questions, and was there for me. but hes the one person that hurt me the most…

Answer #6

He hurt you the most because he was the first guy to show he cared and you got used to that fact so you believed you loved him more therefore loosing him will hurt more but you will get through it and hopefully if you talk to him he will stop and you can get back to the things used to be :Pmatthew:P

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