shall I stick wiv him ?

everyone seems to hate my boyfriend , I love him so much but this is really starting to make me grumpy with him , should I listen to the people telling me to get rid of him ! or shud I just tell them where to go ! I am really in need of help this is making bigger issues but he just cuddles me and tells me to calm down about things that I am making problems and their isnt anything wrong ??? please help me

Answer #1

I f you love him ok but talk to the people he hangs out with

Answer #2

thank you guys ! he has a really big heart and he is a good guy and treats me so good , he has really strong feelings about what is wrong and what is right and I thnk some people just dont understand him but people have butted they unwelcome noses in and it is causes a few tiffs ,

Answer #3

If you listen to all the people who tell you what to do, you’ll never have a boyfriend.

Make your own decisions…if you’re happy with the boy, tell everyone else to mind their own affairs.

Answer #4

u shudn’t care what people say once you love him & he treats you well dats all you need 2 worry about. Neva listen 2 what people say, if he’s a bad guy u’ll find out eventually on your own.

Answer #5

If you love him and he doesn’t hurt you, keep him…If not get rid of him…JW why does everyone hate him???

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