Politics & Law Questions

  1. What did immigrants do during the California Gold Rush?
  2. What are the 10 most influential people in American history?
  3. Do you think people, on average, assume too much before getting all the facts?
  4. What is the National Insurance number used for in the UK?
  5. How long would it take to fly from Sydney to Vietnam?
  6. What are the soldiers doing when they are not at war?
  7. What are your thoughts on human engineering?
  8. Do you think that "Al-Qaeda" can still be harmful for USA and other countries after death of Osama Bin Ladin?
  9. Who's Osama?
  10. Do you support an invasion of Pakistan?
  11. Do you think Al qaeda is planning a new attack on U.S.A?
  12. What do you think of the Governments plans with your 401K?
  13. What if Hitler won WWII?
  14. Is the UK a nation of joined countries like the EU?
  15. Do you think the photos of bin Laden should be released no matter how gruesome?
  16. Does anyone know how to submit a petition to a local city government?
  17. Where were you when you heard about 9/11 and Osama bin Laden's death?
  18. How will Al Qaeda react to the killing of Osama Bin Laden?
  19. How did bin Laden die?
  20. Does anyone know a link to a list of section 5 firearms and section 1 firearms in the UK?
  21. When George W. Bush flew in an F18 Hornet when he was President, did that plane's call sign switch to Airforce one?
  22. Are you all excited for the Royal Wedding tomorrow?
  23. Is it true that they are trying to legalize weed in Canada?
  24. What type of legal forms could they have to force us to give them our land?
  25. Do you think Hitler caused World War II and why?
  26. Are there any sites which will help me to understand the causes of WW1 a little easier?
  27. How did the Franco Prussian war affect the relationship between France and Germany in WW1?
  28. Do you think Obama will get re-elected?
  29. Why is it that this specific day - 420 - is the day everybody does weed?
  30. What do you think about the smoking age being raised to 21 in the US?
  31. Would you vote for Betty White if she ran for president?
  32. How are Al Qaeda and Taliban related?
  33. Why are American capitals smaller than other cities?
  34. Do you think that most young people in the US military know what they are fighting for overseas?
  35. What's the deal with the new (and old...) laws concerning music downloading?
  36. What would you do if you were the mayor of your town/city?
  37. Do you think France’s controversial burqa ban is appropriate in this day and age?
  38. Why is there a draft system being implemented (Selective Service System)?
  39. Why is it illegal to drive without shoes on?
  40. What will happen if and when the US government shuts down?
  41. Is it illegal to lock someone INSIDE your house?
  42. Does Canada have Capital Punishment?
  43. Why shoud smoking NOT be banned in public?
  44. Should private citizens be allowed to compete with the Federal Reserve?
  45. Do you think there will be a World War 3?
  46. How was the Russian government run when it was ruled by czars?
  47. Is it illegal to live in your car?
  48. Does the Congressional power of regulating commerce mean that congress can stop commerce?
  49. What does "formal" mean in this sentence?
  50. How many citizenships can you have?
  51. What is "socialized medicine" and what is a socialist?
  52. Do you think that all he middle eastern countries should be controlled?
  53. Do you think Charles Manson will be granted parole in 2012?
  54. Does Congress really not have the power to pass a budget for 12 months?
  55. Should women be allowed to lie about their age in court?
  56. What exactly is foreign ownership when talking about the media?
  57. Why is there so little Canadian media content compared to American content?
  58. When did William King become the first governor of Maine?
  59. How did the death of Pim Fortuyn affect the politics in The Netherlands?
  60. Is it illegal to drive and talk on a cell phone in the state of Ohio?
  61. Would you choose trial by judge or jury if you had to go to trial, and why?
  62. How do Political Parties Manage education?
  63. What would happen if everyone in any particular country had to take a test to make sure they knew enough about their country?
  64. Why is it that when applying to be a citizen for another country, you need to know more than the people who are already citizens?
  65. How much Native American blood do I need to be able to be legally consider a Native American by the United States?
  66. How are people selected to work at Area 51?
  67. Why does our nation's people not see what the Illuminati is doing to our country?
  68. What is going to happen with the people of Libya?
  69. Is it illegal for the people on Ebay (or really anywhere) to sell CD's of famous singers without the producer's permission?
  70. How is it that Sheriff can come into your back yard without a warrant?
  71. When did the US get in such a deep, deep, deep debt?
  72. Is America getting too sensitive regarding safety laws?
  73. Do you think Libya will just be another Iraq?
  74. Should parents be jailed when kids drink, or not?
  75. Is it true that the United States is just about the only country to use high fructose corn syrup?
  76. What do you know about south Korea?
  77. Does anyone else think that what the US army is doing in Iraq is nothing short of disgusting?
  78. Who should bear the burden of the taxes?
  79. When it comes to war, who has more power - The commander-in-chief or congress?
  80. Can anyone tell me if the RFID chips will be mandatory?
  81. What is the main goal of Osama Bin Laden's movements?
  82. Why do cops set up bait traps to catch criminals?
  83. Who thinks anyone convicted of a r@pe should be sterilized?
  84. What would you do if you are the Prime Minister of Japan after the earthquake occurred?
  85. Why do I love the idea of a conspiracy?
  86. Who is the president/government in Canada 2011?
  87. Do you think the economic situation is really going to get better in the USA?
  88. Is Peter King a racist?
  89. Is there anywhere in the world that slavery is legal?
  90. Does bootlegging still exist?
  91. Is David Cameron a Functionalist?
  92. Should the driving age be raised to 18?
  93. Do you think you should automatically win the case, if the person you are suing fails to show up to the hearing?
  94. What are some rights that girls in Afghanistan DO have?
  95. Do you think it's silly to host sporting events such as the commonwealth games or the Olympics in poor countries?
  96. What is fascism and communism?
  97. What is your personal opinion of the United States?
  98. What do you think is a good reason to go to war?
  99. What are the truest conspiracy theories?
  100. Why does the US army spend 7 million dollars to sponsor NASCAR?
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