Politics & Law Questions

  1. 3 wives in any other country
  2. Jacqueline Kenndy or Hillary Clinton?
  3. vietnam war?
  4. Im super mad about this
  5. What do people hate Obama?
  6. is this an oximoron or what
  7. Columbine how much time would they get?
  8. Has anyone heard of or know of a Plan B ?
  9. America: give me a reason to hate
  10. american society
  11. What do you guys think about Obama being the new president?
  12. "what was the main purpose of the league of nations"
  13. Is Obama going to close Gitmo ?
  14. Israel and Gaza thing could turn into a WWIII???
  15. Which branch of the Armed forces is Tougher to get into
  16. does anyone have a good reason why gays should not be married ??
  17. What laws were passed against the Jews in 1933-1938?
  18. What is prop 8 all about?
  19. Who is satified with president elect obama?
  20. Which affect Government more, interest groups or political parties?
  21. Gov. of IL
  22. Why are these voters now recieving death threats ?
  23. Anyone in Congress responsible ?
  24. How does an idea become a law?
  25. What do you think about war?
  26. Some good things about the army?
  27. Do you plan to get in line for your bailout or handout ?
  28. What type of economic system does cameroon have?
  29. Freedom of speech
  30. A meteoroid will kill us
  31. the 6th amendment
  32. dumb question 2
  33. Why carry handguns?
  34. Mandatory pay raise for congress of 2.8%, or 4700 per year?
  35. Why do police need guns?
  36. Is our economy going to Crash?
  37. New imperialism
  38. when did hillary drop out
  39. how many hours do I need to sewat THC out system
  40. Crying for palastinians
  41. what do you think
  42. Where were you on 9/11/01?
  43. poll time
  44. is it bad that I don like george bush?
  45. Worldwide president election.
  46. physician assisted suicide
  48. People hating George Bush
  49. Developed India
  50. Was the correct decision made ?
  51. Obama
  52. yellow hair!
  53. If our troops are brought back home...
  54. dumb prisdent
  55. Shall I run for town mayor?
  56. worried
  57. the war between isreal and pakastan
  58. what do you do...
  59. Do you believe in there's such thing as a perfect society?
  60. the preSident of AmeriCa smOkeS
  61. Should we make it 'easy to identify' ?
  62. can endowment funds be cunningly disguised as bribes?
  63. Africa Donations. PLEASE HELP!
  64. Obama and the pledge
  65. Who should Gov. Paterson pick for Hillary's vacated Senate seat ?
  66. Where are you all from?:)
  67. Should Congress set the example ?
  68. Should they be charged with a 'Hate crime' ?
  69. Good choice or Bad choice and why ?
  70. Obama for drilling
  71. Industrial Revolution.
  72. Who would you like to run for President in 2012?
  73. Could she be the first female President-Elect in 2012 ?
  74. Cause of Global Crisis? War on Iraq and Afghanistan
  75. Rascist Barack Obama
  76. Wanted messages used by obama in election campaign
  77. What do mobs do?
  78. During immigration if you got rejected who paid for the return?
  79. Guys Answer This Too, I Want Your Input
  80. Shoes hurled at Bush
  81. what are your thoughts on Prop 8?
  82. Where is all the wreckage from 9/11?
  83. Why does our justice system allow rapists to live?
  84. Obama nationality?
  85. coalition government
  86. should pot be legal
  87. President of Bolivia
  88. Are our freedoms eroding ?
  89. Better photographs
  90. Who Created the Terrorist Phobia?
  91. kennedy or clinton?
  92. I read something interesting
  93. Bush prosecutor spent $12 million to prosecute Tommy Chong?
  94. Capitalism
  96. emancipation
  97. runing away laws
  98. Should we help other countries?
  99. Was the medical marijuana bill passed in Ilinois
  100. drinking age should be lowered in the united states?