Why does our justice system allow rapists to live?

I want to know why people who rape someone are allowed to live. Why are they let out of jail after a certain time and allowed to walk down the street among billions of possible victims? explain this to me, why can people who have done something so repulsive allowed to live?

Answer #1

this has nothing to do with jesus or any other religion this is just me asking a question about something I cannot simply understand I do not want religion brought into this.

also, you cant tell me that I am the only person who thinks that they deserve to die, theres got to be another victim for this

Answer #2

I can uses jesus’s name anytime I please. Just because I don’t believe in the divinity of jesus, does not mean I don’t believe the basics of his teachings are about brotherly love, justice, and forgiveness. Remember, “forgive them father for they know not what they do”?

Answer #3

When you rape someone, you violate his/her sexual rights (rights to choose who he/she has sex with). Thats not equivalent to violating someone’s right to live. So no, rapist should be allowed to live. Rape is a serious crime, yes, but when compared with murder, it doesnt warrant the same punishment IMO

Answer #4

they dont suffer in prison! they sit there counting the days till they come out and can f*ck up some innocent girls life again!

Answer #5

do two wrongs make a right? no. because they raped someone, they are ruining their life, yes, but does killing that person make all their worries go away? no it doesnt. all it does is end their life. its so much better to make them suffer in prison, than to not have a punishment at all. because with what I believe, they wont know when theyre dead. … I do understand what youre saying though =)

Answer #6

“I say show me the switch for the eletric chair and I will push it if no one else’s feels they can . I have no remorse for evil. I know if someone ever did anything to my child, neice, mother, sister, anyone. I will end up in jail because I will hunt them down myself, and the good I would get out of it is knowing for sure they will never hurt another family the way they hurt mine. End of story. Eye for an Eye.”

Is this what jesus taught you?

Answer #7

I say show me the switch for the eletric chair and I will push it if no one else’s feels they can . I have no remorse for evil. I know if someone ever did anything to my child, neice, mother, sister, anyone. I will end up in jail because I will hunt them down myself, and the good I would get out of it is knowing for sure they will never hurt another family the way they hurt mine. End of story. Eye for an Eye.

Answer #8

guys I really did not want to bring religion into this I am religious and I am for the whole forgive one another thing I was just very upset when I thought of this…sorry

Answer #9

Sorry angel510 to bring up religion one more time this is just to argue the point of those under the delusion that they have the authority to speak “God’s word”

Both the old and new testiment of the Christian bible holds the authority of law as bearing the authority of God. Jesus taught to forgive, but he also spoke very highly of government and its authority. When men tried to execute the women he stopped them, but when the government tried to execute him he blessed them.

As to the fetus debate, not even infants are fully functional but they contain all the information needed to become a human being. All that is being provided is a safe place to grow, food and oxygen. Just happens to be inside the human body. At least there are some who are willing to protect a child when a mother will not.

Romans chapter 13 1Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

Answer #10

I posted this question when I was going through something with PTSD. maybe the whole dont let them live was a bit uncalled for…

Answer #11

as far as I am concerned I think the “death penalty” needs to be used in a lot more cases.

once someone has violated someone elses civil rights- the criminal should lose their rights.

some people can be rehabilitated, but sometimes a bad “dog” just needs to be shot. getting rid of someone who has obviously through actions- shown themselves to be of the “criminal” mentality, would be taking care of the problem and not allowing that person to re-enter society to do more harm

allowing certain “violent” offenders to sit in prison and suck up money to keep them there is a waste of resources that could be better used elsewhere. give them a last meal, euthanize them humanely, and bury them in a prison cemetary.

Answer #12

jaaj, you are barking up the wrong tree. I am an athiest. If you actually go back and read the thread, my original comment of “Is this what jesus taught you? “ was directed at a another poster who professes to believe in jesus, yet was all for murdering another human being out of vengence. And the “I can uses jesus’s name anytime I please” comment was directed at another believer who took umbridge at me pointing out the hipocrisy of a christian.

As far as not being qualified to answer the question, you need to get off your high horse. While not a woman, I do care about women’s issues, and sexual abuse/harrassment is one of them. I am not your enemy on this.

My whole point was that regardless of the crime, government should not be engaging in state sponsored murder.

Answer #13

I distinguish between different forms of rape. Not everyone who commits what is legally considered rape is a continued threat. For example, a 19 year old and a 16 year old who mutually consent, is considered rape in some states.

But I imagine you are referring to random violent rape. If I had 99% faith in the justice system, I would support the death penalty. But since my trust is only at about the 75% level for the justice system, I can not. But I would support life in prison (where ‘life’ actually means ‘life’) for random violent rape.

Answer #14

I asked a question similar to this a couple of weeks ago if you go on to my profile and look at questions asked you can find it and see both side of the argument there.

I know so amny people that have got away with sexual abuse for years and so many people who only get light sentances when they deserve longer. I think it would be beter for them to go through years of apin then die painlessely. Dont cha think angel.

if you want to funmail me about this go ahed its something I feel strongly about

Answer #15

Some do reform. It takes a lot of work, counseling, etc. Not all criminals re-offend.

I don’t agree with the death penalty- I don’t think anyone has the right to extinguish another fully functioning human’s life, no matter what terrible thing they have done. I do believe that life in prison should mean just that. They should live out their lives thinking about what they did every day, and why they were removed from society.

Answer #16

The primary purpose of the justice system is to punish not rehabilitate. It was never used to rehabilitate. Liberals have no pity for the victim, who is responsible for the resort like living conditions in prison? The reason the justice system allows for rapist to live is because we allow them. Personally I am not a big fan of death penalty, I think it should be an alternative to a much harsher prison system.

Answer #17

“also, you cant tell me that I am the only person who thinks that they deserve to die, theres got to be another victim for this”

Of course you are not. If it were someone close to me who was raped I am sure I would feel the same way. That is an emotional response, and very normal, but it can not be what we base social justice on. Justice can not be doled out fairly if vengence is a motivating factor. This is why a victim, or even a family or friend of a victim, can not be on the jury.

Answer #18

Some people are rehabilitated. In fact that is the primary goal of our criminal justice system.

As far as I’m concerned an embezzler who may cause misery to thousands of people who trusted him with their wealth causes more total suffering than a single rape. Since white collar crimes are non-violent they usually get off with a light sentence in a cushy minimum security prision.

There are lots of rapists who go free because they have the resources for good lawyers and a rigerous defense. There are innocent people who are convicted of rape simply because they don’t have the resources to adequately defend themselves. Many rape cases are decided based on how plausible the alleged victim’s testemony is. It is generally more difficult to prove a rape case than murder so many cases the higher bar due ot it being a capital offense would result in more rapists being free because prosecuters would not press as many cases and the higher bar for proof would mean fewer cases won by the prosecution.

Answer #19

-unless that fully functioning hunan life happens to be in the womb, where its only crime thus far has been being concieved, right lex?

Show me a fully functioning foetus at 12 weeks (when the vast majority of terminations take place), and I’ll change my mind.

also, you cant tell me that I am the only person who thinks that they deserve to die, theres got to be another victim for this

There’s no doubt there are other people who feel like this too. However, many of us have seen cases where innocent people have been tried and convicted of crimes they did not commit. It’s be pretty horrible sentencing someone to death if they weren’t the one who committed the crime, wouldn’t it?

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