What do mobs do?

What do mobs do? Do they kill people 4 $money$?

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Answer #1

A BIG YES!!! There have been many mobsters that have confessed to murder but since they have cooprated with the Fedreal Government some are in protctive custody. Example: Sammy Gravano (the rat)! just to name one!

Answer #2

lolz they operate in many different fields such a money laundering, drug trafficking, gambling , prostitution, extortion…etc it happens very rarely that they kill someone outside of the organization for the simple reason that blood is a huge liability so to answer your question the mob isn’t a street gang who go around terrorizing and killing innocent people for the sole purpose of installing fear and gaining a quick buck they are smarter and more business like than there street gang counter parts there in it to make money efficiently

hope that helped

Answer #3

thanks for cleaning that up andrew sometimes I dont articulate that well

Answer #4

mobs control businesses governments at times, they have a drug enterprise, and yes they do kill people for money

Answer #5

no worries bro :p

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