Politics & Law Questions

  1. Bieng new to USA
  2. barack obama
  3. who are the presidents cabinets?
  4. Dream of becoming president of the usa
  5. How long the previous recession/depression lasted?
  6. World War III
  7. Pro-choice is considered pro-murder
  8. New World Order
  9. Smoke free campus
  10. China
  11. will obama get assasinated?
  12. Economic systems
  13. are other countries have these rising prices?
  14. Why do some countries have such bad economies?
  15. native america
  16. Rosa Parks
  17. Why would the White House want to takeover counting the census numb
  18. What is it to be a good citizen?
  19. Why did Obama's nominee for Commerce Secretary Sen. Judd Gregg with
  20. Nadya Suleman: Mom of 14 kids
  21. rights of an ex-con
  22. A year from now, will this Bill have boosted or expanded ?
  23. bush the worst???
  24. Mormon church should lose tax exempt status?
  25. Is Nationalized health care included ?
  26. Verichip by 2010
  27. articles and the constitution
  28. What are the driving laws in pennsylvania?
  29. Xian or Chang-an???
  30. Should a felony conviction be for a lifetime?
  31. opinions on execution
  32. did james byrnes want to drop the a-bomb on japan
  33. what happens if you dont show up for jury duty in Modesto?
  34. How come fahrenheit 9/11 can not be posted to the internet?
  35. Do white people still hate blacks?
  36. The bad side of Abe Lincoln
  37. obamas promise.
  38. Corporate salary cap only for future bail out recipients?
  39. Have standards been lowered in government?
  40. area 51
  41. The Greatest World Leader?
  42. Should he be allowed to serve ?
  44. What Senator said this ?
  45. What led to the duel of alexander hamilton and aaron burr?
  46. Who thnks this war is stupid?
  47. If you were the President of America
  48. who writes the laws?
  49. Deportation
  50. a democracy or dictatorship?
  51. Banged up for life or death??
  52. Death Penalty.
  53. If you could become the president for a day, what would you change ?
  54. Who would...
  55. do you think the economic package would be good for the people.
  56. Does President Obama smoke cigarettes?
  57. I answered your questions?How can I get revenge on my ex?
  58. Guantamo Bay
  59. what you think?
  60. Waht you don't or do like about obama?
  61. Karl Rove to finally testify about the attorney firings?
  62. What do think about this?
  63. World War 3
  64. Voting age
  65. Is it common for a Vice President to shoot somebody?
  66. JFK assassination
  67. Barack Obama Elementary School
  68. Inisde the white house
  69. Single Presidents
  70. Bailout and Depression
  71. Getting rid of Guantanamo?
  72. evacuation of children in england during world war two a success?
  73. Would you be tolerant of having Gitmo inmates imprisoned in your area?
  74. how many people are in Obama's cabinet?
  75. Should he be approved and why ?
  76. Should citizens 'question authority' ?
  77. Government Assistance.
  78. Does Obama write his speeches himself ?
  79. Obamas inaguration speech
  80. Teens under 18 show leadership for their country by perhaps voting?
  81. What do you think about president's obama enterence?
  82. Voting age?
  83. Was this said today ?
  84. How can I join to a political party.
  85. I hate it when people call President Obama "the first black preside
  86. Obama Inauguration
  87. Barack Obama
  88. how obama is going to tackle the economic crisis?
  89. Do you think he's okay???
  90. President
  91. Legal Marrage
  92. Who is watching the Inauguration today?
  93. UK gov supports students moving out??
  94. what does antidishestablishmentarianism mean?
  95. Obama's inauguration...Tad extravigant???
  96. congress and progress
  97. Do you think Obama like having 2 children?
  98. do you think Obama is going to do good in the White House?
  99. You know how old is Obama?
  100. Endorsements