The Greatest World Leader?

Who do you think is the world’s best leader (of all time)?

I think it’s Winston Churchill as he lead England through WW2.

Tell me who you think is and why?

Answer #1



Answer #2

ALEXANDER THE GREAT - conquered most of the continent of asia, was leading armies in his teens. truly a great historical leader.

Answer #3

Nelson Mandela. He made a huge sacrifice for the sake of his country’s people- 27 years in prison.

Answer #4

John F. Kennedy is the one I think of the most for his leadership during the most critical point in modern history and for his course in making things right.

Answer #5

Well, getting all religious, Moses. I mean, he put up with a lot of crap for over 40 years, when Israel was only a few weeks walk from Egypt. I wouldn’t have hung around.

Not religious, I would have to say Theodore Roosevelt. There was almost no strife during his time, not because of an era of peace, anything but(all the workers strikes, anyone?). He was just so good at fixing problems before they became too violent. It’s too bad people only remember men who lead a country through war.

Answer #6

The best leader of all time is someone who the history books have ignored, because a great leader stears a nation clear of the types of conflict that ends up in history books.

Answer #7

For me it was Ronald Reagan - This quote on sums it up for me: “In his lifetime, Ronald Reagan was such a cheerful and invigorating presence that it was easy to forget what daunting historic tasks he set himself. He sought to mend America’s wounded spirit, to restore the strength of the free world and to free the slaves of Communism.” That’s how Lady Thatcher started her great eulogy of Ronald Reagan, summarizing in one sentence his personal qualities and his great achievements - I really admired Margaret Thatcher also.

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