What led to the duel of alexander hamilton and aaron burr?

Can someone please help me? I was absent for a while, and now I have an essay That I have to wright, but I wasnt there to learn any of this

Answer #1

One of the reasons teachers ask you to write essays is to get you to use your research skills. Go to your library and look up some books on the matter. If all else fails there are sites on the internet that can provide some background information. Beware though, internet sites are rarely good reference material as they can contain information that is completely false.

Here are some sites to get you started: http://www.americaslibrary.gov/cgi-bin/page.cgi/jb/nation/hamburr_1 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/duel/peopleevents/pande17.html

Answer #2

Arron burr was a political opponent of hamalton and killed him because. When burr tried to run for govener of new york,Hamalton desroyed his campain because he didnt like burrs ideas.

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