Obamas inaguration speech

What did you think of obamas inauguration speech I thought it was fantastic

Answer #1

Obama has a way of putting you at ease about the country’s problems, while also inspiring you to believe in what he’s talking about. His speeches have sort of a “join with me, we’ll fix this country together” tone. Certainly a figurehead like that is needed at this time, so as far as that is concerned, I liked his speech.

Answer #2

It was middle-of-the-road, typical political rhetoric, bland as wallpaper paste. What makes his speeches stand out is his charisma and ability to speak well, but the content of the speech was the same thing Bush has been saying for eight years. Not a very hopeful start.

Answer #3

It was good, but there were no one-liners, nothing inspiring!!! What I mean is there was nothing that people will remember and say for years to come. Like Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream”! You know what he had a dream and maybe now Barrack is making it come true!

Answer #4

The speech itself - the usual. I agree with Mikeh - what makes his speaches to amazing to people his him. He is an amazing speaker with a great attitude and tons of charisma.

Answer #5

Good speech - looking forward to positive ‘Change’ in the best interests of America !!

Answer #6

it was really cool

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