
I watched a commerical on the Disney Channel for a kids’ inaguration party hosted by the Obamas, and I read an article on AOL saying Starbucks would,during a certain time period, give anyone who promised to do five hours of community service free coffee in the spirit of President-elect Obama’s commitment to community service. Those things made me think this: should commerial establishments endorse candidates? In most situations, all customers do not support the same candidate. I would think that a commerical establishment would not want to alienate potential customers. I realize that it is difficult to make everyone happy. Should a commerical establishment remain nonpartisan? To me, those actions seem like an endorsement of a particular candidate. What do you think?

Answer #1

With Obama’s approval rating at about 80%, I don’t think they are worried about being accused of partisanship. And anyone who thinks that a company urging people to do community service is wrong, is just an idiot.

Answer #2

Well, it is strictly up to the establishment itself, so we really have no say in the matter.

True, it could be alienating some of it’s customers by defying their own beliefs, but I have a feeling that the Starbucks marketing commitee has done it’s homework and they feel they have more to gain than to lose in this promotion.

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