Health Questions

  1. Light bleed then stop why
  2. Why did I start bleeding?
  3. Could I be pregnant?
  4. What type of deaths permit an organ donor to donate their heart?
  5. Fake a fever!
  6. How can I avoid getting theH1N1 flu?
  7. Is there something wrong with me?
  8. What could be te problem and why dose it hurt so much?
  9. I think I have mold growing from my belly botton?! Seriously!!!
  10. Myths about period?
  11. Period about to start?
  12. How fast can BC regulate period?
  13. How to not forget things?
  14. How to gain confidence and lose low self esteem?
  15. What can I do for my ear infection?
  16. What can I do about the lump on my vagina?
  17. How can I find out if I have social anxiety?
  18. How can you tell when someone is dying from aids?
  19. Why do my boobs hurt all the time?
  20. Period && depression??
  21. Should I be worried?
  22. Cancer, how do I know if I have it?
  23. Should I go to the doctor?
  24. What happens when taking birth control before your period?
  25. Was it right or wrong to call in sick?
  26. Will the hospital keep me in until I go into labor or send me home?
  27. What dose it mean when clear stuff comes out when you wipe?
  28. Does this sound heavy?
  29. is it normal to miss your periods for more then 4 monts?
  30. How do I know if im depress?im only 13
  31. Sore on Labia Minora!!!
  32. Head Pains
  33. I had my last period on october 22 2009, when should my next period
  34. Why wass I dizzy?
  35. How can I stop my period?
  36. Can I get pregnant by another girl's dildo?
  37. I'm 13 and I get really bad back aches!
  38. How long does it take for meth to get out of your system?
  39. I have a wierd bump
  40. Vagina care
  41. Wisdom tooth pain!
  42. The father of my child is against me keeping it.
  43. Ear infection??
  44. Want a baby
  45. Does anyone feel the same as l do sometimes
  46. My sister get really bad bely pains
  47. Is it true that sperm dies once it hits the air?
  48. Ejaculaton on stomach?
  49. Why do I smell gas and smoke?
  50. How can I get rid of a stye?
  51. Caught smoking at 17, what happens?
  52. Lost mucus plug! 2 cm dialated 60% effaced
  53. Bee sting
  54. go thro tarible mood swings
  55. Calming down from being pissed
  56. Why do girls say they have fishy odors ? O:
  57. Tooth taken out
  58. My cold wont go away HELP PLEASE
  59. Can you stop your period from the pill?
  60. How long to wait to take a pregnancy test
  61. How do you know if a guy has herpys on his dick?
  62. What is electroinc cigarettes?
  63. I have sore breast and nipples...
  64. Why is it when I uirnate at the end it hurts
  65. My balls hurt
  66. My vagina is normal or not
  67. How well can I control my emotions?
  68. I get really bad headaches when I read
  69. Getting thc out
  70. Muscle spasm
  71. What are some ways I can manage my stress & anxiety problems?
  72. How do you tell if your drunk
  73. TB, Broncitis and Pnemonia
  74. Babys sweating
  75. Orange food colouring
  76. How long to wait to take a pregnancy test
  77. Eye twitching
  78. When is the best time to get pregnant?
  79. It hurts when I pee, what is wrong?
  80. Insect bite
  81. What's it like in a Mental Hospital?
  82. Smoking addiction
  83. How do you tighten your self up?
  84. My mum found a black spot on her vigina lip what could it be ?
  85. My vigins smell
  86. Why does my period smell so strong?
  87. I don't like food
  88. how long does it take for a women to get pregnant right after havin
  89. My period have been had 14 days long, do I get prenant ?
  90. Ink Poisoning
  91. If I got her pregnant...?
  92. My hand fell asleep and won't wake up?
  93. why is my breast smell like milk?
  94. I have small white bumbs on the lips of my vigina
  95. Mild OCD?
  96. Am I becoming addicted to ciggarettes
  97. Std testing
  98. Panic attacks
  99. Stds and giving head.
  100. Bad Habit I need to quit.