Bee sting

I got stung by a yellow jacket today at about 3:00. It is now 10:30 and the sting is sooo swollen, hot, red, it hurts and itches BAD! What can I do to make it feel better?

Answer #1

I agree with diseasous. Go get a shot. I’ve had that happen to me a few times and the shots really work well. Also get yourself an ointment like stop itch or antisan to help with the itchiness and swelling.

Answer #2

Go to the hospital and get an epinephrine shot, because it sounds like your’e mildly allergic. I’ve been stung about a dozen times and nothing like what you describe has ever happened. I advise you to seek professional medical assistance as soon as possible!

Answer #3

cigarette tobacco.. wet it and leave it on there

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