Health Questions

  1. What should my resting heartbeat be ?
  2. What is gonna happen to me after secondhand smoke?
  3. Why have I had my period twice in two weeks?
  4. How can you stop getting stressed?
  5. What should I do, take a pregnancy test?
  6. What should I weigh at the age of 15 years old?
  7. What are the truths about semen?
  8. Why does milk upset my stomach in the morning?
  9. Why is milk not coming from my left breast?
  10. How long does a bowl of meth stay in your system?
  11. What type of insect bit me?
  12. Why is it that I am having pre born baby cravings and im a guy??
  13. How do I make the swelling go down?
  14. Why does my back peel after sunburn but my butt doesn't?
  15. How can I change my flat feet?
  16. how can you tell of your having a boy or a girl?
  17. What the normal weight for a 5'3 girl?
  18. Where are some free abortion places in angola/buffalo area?
  19. Why am I still bleeding a week and half after I've taken the pill?
  20. What kind of liquid do you use to clean your gages and ears?
  21. What chance is there of me getting pregnant if I got plan b?
  22. What is a queef ?
  23. Why am I always so tired in the afternoons?
  24. why does my dad keep making fun of my pimples?
  25. What if he pulled out?
  26. I depressed or is it a phase?
  27. What can cause me to fail a virgin exam?
  28. Why do I have red spots at the back of my throat?
  29. Why is my tongue bleeding after a tootsie roll pop?
  30. What does it mean if you have stomach pain and you can't lay on it?
  31. How can I stop my tummy rumbling?
  32. Why do I laugh so much when I am high?
  33. How do I move forward?
  34. Why havent I got pregnant again??
  35. what to do my 18 months old daughter's legs are not stright?
  36. How to Handle Nostalgia?
  37. what is wrong with my period?
  38. Why do I have a sensitive spot on my butt?
  39. why is my ab small?
  40. Who can discuss with me about peer pressure?
  41. How do I know if my arm is broken or just fractured?
  42. how to tell my mother I have depression?
  43. why am I feeling this way?
  44. why doctors wont diognose if I have diabetes ?
  45. How do you know if your finger is fracture or just jam?
  46. Can Anyone Help Me De-Stress?
  47. what are some remedies for gout?
  48. How can you tell if your nose is infected?
  49. What/ is this safe?
  50. how long dose 14 perk 5's take to get out of your system?
  51. Who thinks im going to get my period soon according to these signs?
  52. why is my stomach/abdomen is big and hard?
  53. When I cry why do my eyes get really blue?
  54. Can I purchase overthecounter antidepressants?
  55. Why do I have to take blood pot test when I passed urine?
  56. What can I do to make my neck stop hurting?
  57. Why does my stomach rumble at night?
  58. Could I be pregnant after 4 months off depo and 11 days after??
  59. When is it normal to be bleeding for longer then 12 days?
  60. Why is virginity so important?
  61. What if it be possible to still get my periodafter3weeks pregnant?
  62. What exactly is involved in a physical?
  63. Why can't I remember days anymore?
  64. how do you stop your period with vinegar?
  65. When/Can somebody who plans to be a counselor see a counselor?
  66. What are what chances of getting pregnant with depo provera?
  67. why am I having severe pains in my leg?
  68. What is the best diet for someone who has hormonal problems?
  69. what is a doctor or nurse called who help pregant women?
  70. what can I buy to help my UTI?
  71. What can I take to stop my period, and how much?
  72. What is the fastest way to get out THC?
  73. Why is my discharge white and have a blood odor?
  74. How can I prevent her from getting pregnant?
  75. How to treat Separation anxiety Disorder in adults?
  76. what does it mean now did I lose it or start?
  77. What can a pimple in the inside of the upper eyelid mean?
  78. Can I still get sti testing if im on my period??
  79. Why does my nose bleed at night when im sleeping?
  80. How can I feel better about myself?
  81. Why does my flo flow like a waterfall?
  82. I don't want to have a baby, what should I do?
  83. Could I lose a tooth?
  84. How can I ask my mom to buy me pads?
  85. What is this lump in my bottom lip?
  86. What are the risks of getting pregnant 3 months after childbirth?
  87. What should I do if I'm 16 and I can't tell my parents?
  88. What is happening to my body?
  89. What could I sue the oregon health and science university for?
  90. Can inhaling too much water vapour make you really ill?
  91. Why is it good to eat peanut butter on your period?
  92. What should I do? I have no idea if I could be pregnant or not?
  93. When I get mad I just block everyone out is that bad?
  94. How safe I am, after taking ECP ?
  95. Can birth control pills make you gain a lot of weight?
  96. Why am I throwing up at five months?
  97. When is it a "good" time to get your tubes tied im 21 with 2 kids?
  98. What happens if your pregnant and take a x ray?
  99. What would happen if your four months prego and you get hit ?
  100. What is a mouth blister?