What should I do if I'm 16 and I can't tell my parents?

I’ve been feeling very uncomfortable “down there” so to say. The labia minora are about 2 centimiters long and it gets in the way of everything. It has been lowering my self esteem since the 7th grade too. The other day, my boyfriends friends found a picture on his phone of my ugly vagina. I was finally getting used to it because my boyfriend doesn’t say it’s ugly; but I feel all self consious again because they are making fun of it and teasing my boyfriend. I want to get surgery for my oversized labia but I don’t want to tell my parents. I do have access to my boyfriends car in Which he can drive me to have it done. Is there any way I can get it done free and locally?

Answer #1

its a normal surgery… you can get it… but you will be in pain and take lots of time to heel. Better leave it its k if they are long. And take off that pic from you boyfriend cell..

Answer #2

Its normal. Its actaully a very popular trait that men and woman seek. The body is natural, differnt and beautiful.

Answer #3

Uhm you’re talking about plastic surgery. Which means not only do you have to either have parental permission or be 18, but it’s also not going to be cheap. It’s not a necessary surgery and so no insurance is going to pay for it. Why would you send your boyfriend a picture? I suggest you get it off his phone. What if you guys break up?

Answer #4

He was deleting it but his friends took his phone and saw it

Answer #5

Yeah…pictures of your Vajayjay at any age is not a good thing to put out there to circulate. Ever. Something to consider here…if it was just a pic of your vajayjay and didn’t have your face or your name attached to it then…how’d his friends know it was you? I hate to break it to you but teen boys brag and share. You might just want to question how loyal he is to you in the first place especially since you are clearly intimate with him.

But as for your question? Don’t sweat it. It’s not ugly. Every woman is shaped differently and uniquely. That is the beauty of being a woman. Stop feeling self-conscious about it and embrace it. I don’t see how it can get in the way of anything, after all men’s junk seems to be contained and handled every day and even the smallest endowed guy will still have more between his legs than you do. I doubt you’ve seen much of the Adult entertainment movies out there or any other outlet that you might see other women’s vaginas and see that everyone is different but it’s true. In fact for a lot of men (and women) pronounced ‘lips’ are considered a positive trait to be admired. I know this isn’t a commonly discussed topic among people of any age but it all boils down to body image and you should have a positive one of yourself and love who you are all over. (face, body, private areas, etc..)

If it’s really a comfort issues (physically not emotionally) then I suggest you get your mom alone for a girl’s chat and talk to her about it. These sorts of things are genetic after all and maybe she can share her own thoughts, experiences, suggestions, etc…Sure it might be a little embarrassing at first but who bought your first pads or tampons when you got your period? Who changed your diapers as a baby and has already seen it all anyway? Trust me, there’s nothing you can say to her that she hasn’t already gone through (the picture incident aside). She will understand. After all, if you were having major cramps or a yeast infection or severe pain you would ask her about it wouldn’t you? This is no different.

Answer #6

First of all, let me assure you that “boys” (and that’s what they are) simply do not have enough exerpience in the world to judge the variation of vagina’s…(tho WHY you have a picture circulating out there to be judged by, and why your boyfriend is SHOWING OTHERS is way beyond me…and I’m with Ty, I’d stand there and MAKE him delete it!!).

Do talk to your mom…I think she will do much to assure you that your labia are well within the “accepted limits”…and that once you get out into the world, meet other boyfriends that you will find that she was right…that many many men find the “flower” effect a huge turn on.

BUT QUIT THE PICTURE SENDING!!! Kids are going to jail, getting nailed for child pornography, for doing exactly what you did…And the fact that your boyfriend is showing your pic around, doesn’t show much respect for you, does it?

grannie phrannie

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