Health Questions

  1. How dangerous would it be to pour motor oil all over me?
  2. How much does it generally cost to see a psychologist in Canada or is it covered by our health care?
  3. Why do I get sick after I eat anything?
  4. Where, if possible, can I get off-the counter pills that have the same effect as the ones for depression?
  5. i took tables for my tooth and now i feel ill and my heart is beating so fast should this happen ?
  6. is taking a prescription pain pill from time to time ok?
  7. What is Universal Health Care ??
  8. what other "accidentally" ways can you get pregnant without having intercourse?
  9. How do i make my right foot point forward when i walk ?
  10. Can You Get Anemia By Eating To Much Ice?
  11. how do i get rid of an ear infection?
  12. Is it possible to simply create an S.T.D?
  13. Is it really bad to have a yeast infection?
  14. how can i get rid of a bad cough?
  15. What is going on with me and my health?
  16. why is it that people get boils around their private areas and they take regular baths,etc??
  17. Why do we get muscle spasms?
  18. How do you get rid of a bump with a tragus piercing?
  19. how do i get rid of this nervous stomach?
  20. how do you get a slpinter thats deep into your skin without really hurting myself or getting an infection ??
  21. What could the white pigmentation on my arms be?
  22. how can i get my legs to stop itching?
  23. Is there any side effects on piercing your thung?
  24. What is a good natural way to rid yourself of flem in your throat?
  25. Why does my hand hurt after taking slap shots in my basement?!!!
  26. what is a bonar?
  27. Why is it that when you feel something so cold that it feels boiling hot?
  28. Can u get pregnant from someone pouring the sperm out of a condom into their vagina?
  29. How do i tell if i am mantic-depresive?
  30. Can one have a serious bladder infection in less than 12 hours?
  31. Should the government be doing more for those who care for family members suffering from dementia?
  32. Why does my dad cough alot?
  33. What is a good harmless way to fix an ingrown toenail?
  34. What If you get a root canal (filling as well) can it become a cavity ever again?
  35. can a small pure white circle be skin cancer?
  36. Is it normal if i get really wet when making out with my boyfriend?
  37. What does contribute to vision loss?
  38. Does watching too much TV contribute to vision loss?
  39. Does getting catrax removed hurt?
  40. What do you think about pregnant women who have a glass of red wine a day?
  41. Should doctors be allowed to deny care to patients who owe a cancellation fee?
  42. Is it bad if my breats itch?
  43. Is it bad for spray paint to get on your skin?
  44. What kind of professional people should i talk to about teen pregnancy?
  45. why does my period come every two weeks ?
  46. What can you expect if you seek an asian massage?
  47. why is my vagina loose?
  48. Is it possible to get an STI from being in a hottub with someone who has one?
  49. Is it true that getting a nipple piercing results in the inability to breast feed?
  50. Is it normal for my stomach to still feel sensative/nauseated from drinking sunday evening and not going to bed till 7 in the morning?
  51. How can I stop being depressed without taking the pills?
  52. Why on earth is my eye twitching uncontrollably?
  53. whats the best way to get like bruises to go away?
  54. What shpuld i do?
  55. Why does my fanny smell really bad?
  56. how much snot can a person produce at one time?
  57. Do females have sperm?
  58. What helps to get rid of a facial rash?
  59. Why is my tummy so saw?
  60. What can cause large blisters to appear on both elbows randomly?
  61. What can I expect after taking pin worm meds(read)?
  62. Do you find it wrong when i told my psychiatrist my anti-anxiety medication wasn't working he just told me to "keep taking more untill I feel effect"?
  63. What are some stress-relief things I can do that can help me deal with hating someone that I have no choice but to be around?
  64. does advil or tylanole help for crampss???
  65. Is there a way to get Adderol without a prescription?
  66. What are some good ways to go into labor ?
  67. Why does my sims3 keep cutting off at a random time its really annoying ??
  68. Who thinks that the aging Baby Boomers is going to affect health care?
  69. How many women exprierenced like pinkish spotting right before they found out they were pregnant?
  70. Does water on your ear cause preassure?
  71. Who here can tell me, why im 16 week and 3 days pregnant with my first child and i havent really gained weight?
  72. What birth control pill is best for clearing acne?
  73. Does the fact that you were supposed to be a boy but came out as a girl affect the growth of breast?
  74. Does anyone else have a pen tablet?
  75. What can i do about my hot flashes and i don't want to go to the dr again?
  76. does my boobs flattin when i lay on my stomach?
  77. what should i expect from an anxiety and depression assesment?
  78. How do I act more bubbly when i feel like I have no energy?
  79. would having sushi, a hamburger, 2 cups of coffe make me dizzy?
  80. Is it common to have vivid hallucinations just before falling asleep and when waking up?
  81. whats the best way to quite cigaretts?
  82. is it bad to smoke other peoples ciggerettes off of the ground?
  83. why did it hurt when my boyfriend sucked on my clitoris*?
  84. why am i always in a bad mood?
  85. Why are my ears getting extremely red and hot after taking my first dose of antibiotics?
  86. How do i get over sweet cravings ?
  87. what is a good way (other than pain releivers) to ease pain?
  88. What vitamins do you take on a daily basis?
  89. can you go outside your house after hours with a sentinel ankle bracelet on?
  90. Is the Summer's eve feminine deoderant safe to use?
  91. is it safe to keep a tampon in whilst in the bath ?
  92. is it a crime to kill yourself?
  93. How much does sleep affect your immune system and health?
  94. why does my hair fall off and i got like this gray mark on my face and my finger?
  95. do the family planning clinic tell your parents ?!
  96. Why are my toenails yellow?
  97. Why am I still short? I'm 17 and 5' 6". My dad is 6' 1" and my mom is 5' 7".
  98. is it bad to drink margaritas if your 13?
  99. Did anybody have a really bad smell in their mouths when their braces came off?
  100. Why do we automatically think that the things that can make us better are gross?