why am i always in a bad mood?

i never used to get bad moods.?

Answer #1

Puberty, PMS, stress, and pregnancy are all reasons someone may be moody.

Answer #2

okay, thank you heaps :)

Answer #3

Puberty,PMS,emotional changes,or some1 iz emotionaly hurting u. Or something big iz happening in ur life like ur parents r getting divorced.

Answer #4

Or… your not getting enough sleep.

Answer #5

There’s a 100 reasons. Including physical ones (like a thyroid problem), emotional ones, psychological ones (stress, depression, etc). It’s really hard to tell.

Answer #6

Possible chemical imbalance? Are you ever happy and feeling good? If so when? Are you having trouble with the the people around you but not verbalizing? Try making notes to yourself when your moods are bad/happy, speak to someone in the medical feild to get help if you need to. Life really is a grand thing allow yourself to be a part of it and be happy.

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