Health Questions

  1. How can I stop strong stomach pains?
  2. Did I take the pregnancy test too early to tell?
  3. Can I be pregnant and have a normal period?
  4. Can I be pregnant from precum?
  5. How can I stop picking at my fingernails?
  6. What is a normal blood sugar level?
  7. Why is my period being so abnormal?
  8. When can I get pregnant after IUD removal?
  9. How can I increase chance of pregnancy?
  10. How can we help my husband's fertility?
  11. Which cigarette filters remove the most tar?
  12. Do you think I'm pregnant or should I wait longer?
  13. Can I get birth control mailed to me?
  14. How can I stop worrying about every single thing?
  15. How can I stop my destructive, bulimic lifestyle?
  16. Are Kotex tampons a good brand?
  17. Can you still have a period while pregnant?
  18. What happened to the person who drank the tea on Oprah?
  19. How do you lose 30 to 40 pounds in two months?
  20. If my last period was May 27, how far along am I?
  21. How can I fix my skin so I'm more confident?
  22. Have you heard of monovie juice and is it safe?
  23. What if my girl might be pregnant?
  24. Can stress make you grind your teeth?
  25. How soon should someone get a rabies shot after being bitten?
  26. How can I know if I will miscarriage again?
  27. What's a natural way to get energy in the morning?
  28. What are the chances of pregnancy?
  29. Can I be pregnant if we used condoms and the shot?
  30. Can I swim 2 weeks after a belly button piercing?
  31. Do cardboard applicator tampons feel different from plastic?
  32. What are some ways to fall asleep better?
  33. Could Adderall be causing my panic attacks?
  34. What's a yeast infection and how do you get it?
  35. Is this pimple on my vagina a STD?
  36. Is unexpected weight gain pregnancy?
  37. What do I do if I'm 13 and pregnant?
  38. What are the effects of peanuts and watermelon on cholesterol?
  39. How do I become anorexic or bulimic?
  40. How can you tell if you have Lyme's Disease?
  41. Am I pregnant if he came inside of me twice?
  42. Why do girls get discharge and is it normal?
  43. Am I pregnant or is the Pill making me sick?
  44. Does brown discharge mean I'm pregnant?
  45. Is it normal to love cigarette smoke smell?
  46. Is the size of your boobs genetic?
  47. How can I start to use tampons before this trip?
  48. How can I get rid of hickeys fast?
  49. At what age should I start seeing an OB-GYN?
  50. Could I be pregnant or am I overreacting?
  51. What are the different types of birth control?
  52. Why do I have a bad smelling odor in my urine?
  53. What's the best way to get pregnant?
  54. Could I be pregnant without even knowing?
  55. When can I start wearing tampons?
  56. Is sperm from a 15-year-old strong enough to get me pregnant?
  57. Can you catch Chlamydia from saliva?
  58. How can I tell if I'm pregnant if I have irregular periods?
  59. Can I be pregnant and how do I find out?
  60. What are home remedies for passing kidney stones?
  61. Why is my girlfriend's period so late?
  62. Will doing sit-ups hurt my baby if I'm pregnant?
  63. What is the chance of pregnancy if you use a condom and the pull-out method?
  64. How can I find out if I'm pregnant?
  65. Is there a chance that I'm pregnant if I got my period?
  66. How can I pass a UA that is in less than 24 hours?
  67. Does it seem like I'm anorexic?
  68. Should I wait and take another pregnancy test?
  69. Am I fat or thin?
  70. Is it bad if my Mom has HPV?
  71. How long does pink eye last?
  72. How do I tell my Mom that I'm pregnant?
  73. How can I get started being bulimic?
  74. Should I stop taking my medicine so I can join the Army?
  75. Can anyone help a depressed anorexic?
  76. Can I ejaculate from rubbing my prostate?
  77. Does Melatonin have bad effects?
  78. Am I suffering from depression?
  79. Is birth control causing super sensitive skin?
  80. How long are you supposed to bleed after losing your virginity?
  81. Is this normal discharge?
  82. What should I do about an infected belly button ring?
  83. When will my period stop?
  84. Can you get pregnant your first time?
  85. Should I have an abortion?
  86. How can I break my arm?
  87. Are these painful periods normal?
  88. Can sun damage skin if you're young?
  89. Do I have a disorder that makes me super skinny?
  90. Do I have a STD in my throat?
  91. Is it posible to have two periods in one month?
  92. Why did it burn toward the end of my ejaculation?
  93. Is it bad that I don't have my period yet?
  94. How can I convince my friend to stop cutting herself?
  95. Why do I have a lot of discharge down there?
  96. Why are periods sometimes irregular?
  97. Can I stop my period from coming during this special week?
  98. Am I deranged if I laugh for no reason in the morning?
  99. Why would blood be in someone's stool?
  100. Why haven't I ever had a normal period?