What do I do if I'm 13 and pregnant?

I need help my boyfriend said he was useing a condom but im pregnat dose any body know what I can do to get me ready for the pain im only 13 help.

Answer #1

Well I was 13 and pregnant you just have to deal with it I kept my baby and I love her so much do give her up you will love her

Answer #2

plz dont do abortion ok but some ppl r right god gave you this child for a reason..keep it..and also take the painkillers they give you or you will pass out of pain

Answer #3

I agree with the adoption thing, but NO ABORTION!! They’ll give you meds. Just let your baby live, its meant to be in this world! How old is ur boyfriend?

Answer #4

I would hope that you would not keep this child at 13 - you yourself are a child and are by no means ready to have a child. I would highly consider an abortion or adoption after birth.

Answer #5

I am thirteen and my mom had me a 21 just don’t do what she did a abuse, neglec, and endanger your babys life let your baby live if you have to put it up for adoption it will go to a great home trust me thats what happened to me!

Answer #6

hi sweetie. im 13 myself and I’ve never been pregnant actually im a virqin. im not tryinq to rub it in your face. im askinq you personally would you want an abortion or adoption. would yuou regret having the abortion..if youur baby found the cure for cancer..or maybe not. maybe your baby would just chanqe the life of someone in a good way. I know we’re young but we’re learninq and growing just like everyone else. adoption..would be an idea but you never know what your getting yourself into. the babie is from youu. just because its from you doesnt mean its not good enouqh. and you DO have thiings you can teach your bbay. you learn something EVERYDAY. if your telling the truth..then this is just then begining for you. maybe you will be an outcast..maybe you will be labled as the student slut. know who you are. maybe through this you will find a best friend..I really do hope the best for you. if youd like to keeep in touch with me thats great. live your life, and keep a life too =]

Answer #7

so if ur 13 how do u keep it away from your parents

Answer #8

honey let me tell you something, im 13 and im pregnant to whatever you do go see a doctor and they will give you suggastions. and tell one of your closest friends. thats what I did and she helped me SO MUCH. what I decided was to keep the baby, my boyfriend is all on bored to he getting me ready and helping me for whats being giving to me. Birth is a great thing don’t let anyone talk you into an adoption please

Answer #9

Look im 13 and I think im preganet my sister already had a scare and my brothers girlfriend is having a baby im scared to tell my mmom and I dont want to tell my friends eather becasue they might reject me and I dont want that. Can someone HELP!! ME!! PLEASE!!

Answer #10

oh gosh, well im 13 and for some reason I always have urges to have sex, but then I think about consequences. Pregnancy for example, it can ruin your life at such a young age. And althoughb you made a mistake dont let that bring youdown as well, because in this point in your life you cannot be weak, it will kill you you have to stay strong and keep a positive attitude, you will be fine best of luck ~Rachel

Answer #11

Ya’ll, abortion is wrong, if she slept around at 13 and got pregnant then its her problem. Killing the innocent babyy that she is going to give birth to is NOT the answer. Call it a fetus, call it what ever you want. ITS A BABY!!! a baby who deserves to someday have a life.

Answer #12

I am 14 and I was pregnant last year my boyfriend was very happy but I did not want it. I just wanted to focus on my education. I told my boyfriend that I did not want it and he was fine with it he said he just wanted me. I had an abortion and I regret it every day. that child could of had so much it could of found the cure for cancer. it could of been famous in any other way. I just feel like I have killed someone. have the baby and get it adopted yes it will grow up to not know its parents but it will still have a life x good luck with what you chose :) beth x

Answer #13

alrite first, take a breath, youre going to be fine, im 13, not pregnant, and I’ve never even had a boyfriend (lol) no im not “ugly” lol but I dont want to sound all conceited, I am just not ready for a relationship yet, plus, if I really like the boy, then, ill wait, because honestly, middle school relationships suck. well anyhow enough about me, you are in a sticky situation. I have had some friends “fool” around with guys because they were pressured. If it wasnt your fault and the condom broke then that is “natures” fault, you can cry all you want but when you wake up the next morning, your still going to be pregnant. And as scary as it sounds,its just nature, and although you might still be a kid, in the 9 months that you ARE pregnant you need to grow up, because if you dont, it will kill you.

Answer #14

I suggest that you not get a abortion .Thats not going to solve your problem.you made it hunny so you keep it.Sure it was a mastake,sure you dont have a job right now,but abortion is not the answer.Just think about the women out there that cant make babies,cant have them.Keep it its fun being a mom ,of course the pain will be bad but its worth it at the end.If you havent told your parents yet, i suggest you go right now.god has placed this child in you its a blessing if he thought you couldnt handle it he would have put it in you.take it one day at a time,step by step.please tell your parents if you didnt,you cant handle it alone not even one day.good luck

Answer #15

Call Planned Parenthood. They will help you.

I agree with jinx and think you should adopt or abort. There’s no way you can raise a child at your age.

In the future, keep in mind that if you don’t know about birth control and how to use it, you’re not ready to have intercourse. Planned Parenthood can help you learn about it. You should hold off on having intercourse until you talk to them.

Answer #16

honestly does your mom know does anyone know because on the internet it might not be the best place to trust someones answer talk to a docter. if you dont want the baby I wouldnt suggest an abbortion I am STRONGLY agains them. and its ok there are other people out there I am 13 to but not pregnant tho I have fantisized about sex you need to tell some one if you havent already and talk to your boyfriend about it

                          talk to some one
                               from Alyssa
Answer #17

im 14 .a vergin.in love.with a steady boyfriend of one year.LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO YOURSELVES! just be proud to be young and free,a relationship is not about sex.I really pitty you girls,but maby your just to focused on growing up,you lose who you are.I really do feel sorry for you

Answer #18

PLEASE im begging, DO NOT abort it, If anything put it up for adoption I say its your child, keep ot, and no your not going to foster care like asshole over there said

Answer #19

i do not think u are a slut or anything,you should tell your parents if u havent and in my opinion do not abort or give it up for adoption, if u keep it i would suggest home schooling and being careful! good luck!

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