Health Questions

  1. Does this still make you anorexic?
  2. Why am I constantly tired?
  3. What treatments will help kidney failure?
  4. Why am I always crying?
  5. How much damage have I put my body through?
  6. Can I drink something to fill myself up but not gain weight?
  7. What do these bad omens mean?
  8. How far in should my tampon go?
  9. What rehab program for a ruptured Achilles tendon?
  10. Which is better: walking or running?
  11. Can taking these pills hurt me?
  12. What to do to fill the hole after high school running?
  13. Why am I always cold?
  14. What makes you feel happy?
  15. When should I take a pregnancy test?
  16. Why does my hand hurt when I bike?
  17. What are health benefits of apple cider vinegar?
  18. How do I prevent getting sick?
  19. What are these red dots on my hands and nose?
  20. How can I keep anorexia frm my parents?
  21. How to handle possibly being pregnant?
  22. How can I regulate my bladder?
  23. Why does my back hurt?
  24. Why do people cut themselves?
  25. Why do so many of my friends cut?
  26. Which works best on burns?
  27. Why can't my neighbor carry a baby past 5 months?
  28. How to deal with suicidal thoughts?
  29. Can you get pregnant with your period?
  30. Why are girls trying to be anorexic?
  31. Should I talk to someone about my suicidal friend?
  32. how do I delete a question
  33. Who should I see about my depression?
  34. Am I pregnant already?
  35. How can I feel better about myself?
  36. Is it bad to m*sturbate to p*rn?
  37. How soon can you predict if you're pregnant?
  38. How early do signs of pregnancy show up?
  39. How do I stop being obsessed with food?
  40. Do you think smoking is bad for you?
  41. Does an itchy wound mean it's healing?
  42. How to treat a puncture from a pencil?
  43. What treatments do you recommend for Fibromyalgia?
  44. Will dehydration hurt a person in a day or two?
  45. Could I be pregnant after my cousin raped me?
  46. Does anyone else have a relative with cancer?
  47. Do you have to warm urine if using someone else's for a test?
  48. Is my leg infected?
  49. How do I stop PMT?
  50. Which is worse: Fractured finger, rolled ankle, or chipped tooth?
  51. How to get help about hurting myself?
  52. How can I calm my nerves?
  53. Why am I always thinking about food like this?
  54. What are good gluten-free foods?
  55. How to stop smoking
  56. How to get rid of neverending nits?
  57. How to stop my period cramps?
  58. Will depressed and anxious feelings ever pass?
  59. How to get pregnant with an irregular period?
  60. Why am I late if I'm a virgin?
  61. How to help someone with OCD?
  62. improve concentration
  63. What if I'm sweaty down there?
  64. What to do if I'm infected with vermits down there?
  65. Does anyone know anything bout bipolar disorder?
  66. Do I have a depression problem?
  67. How do you insert a tampon?
  68. Why do my breasts feel achy?
  69. Is suicide really worth it?
  70. Does cutting mean you're possessed?
  71. How do I stop my friend from cutting?
  72. Where is my period and how to lose belly fat?
  73. Could I be bulimic?
  74. Do I have body dysmorphic disorder?
  75. How can I throw up w/o sticking something down my throat?
  76. How do you not be so tired all the time?
  77. Is there a home remedy to delay my period?
  78. Can your hymen grow back over time?
  79. Why haven't I had my period this month if I'm a virgin?
  80. Can you tell me if I'm anorexic?
  81. What's this thin tissue that came out with my period?
  82. Did my ear hurt from the hole in the eardrum?
  83. How can I go to sleep?
  84. How to keep myself from breaking down?
  85. Why am I so tired all the time?
  86. How can I finally get some sleep?
  87. Am I the only one who doesn't think weed is bad?
  88. Can you get pregnant from rubbing?
  89. Will having chlamydia stop me from getting pregnant?
  90. Does anyone hurt themselves?
  91. How to cope with anxiety?
  92. How to get rid of gas?
  93. Can I go on the Pill even without my period?
  94. How to calm down before my exam scores come?
  95. Is it normal to have discharge all the time?
  96. Is something wrong with me to make my period so long?
  97. Is this brown spot on my tooth a cavity?
  98. How to stop sadness after my best friend's death?
  99. Are random mood swings normal?
  100. How can I help my girlfriend gain weight?