Health Questions

  1. What s that gooey thing coming out of my vagina?
  2. When will I end my period?
  3. How do I deal with my friend's suicide?
  4. Where's my period?
  5. How to get rid of it if I'm pregnant?
  6. Is surgery necessary for Cataracts?
  7. How to be anorexic?
  8. Could I still be pregnant with a negative test result?
  9. Period only lasted for 2 days, is that normal?
  10. how do I put my self in to care ?
  11. How to help my hurt Mom?
  12. Why do I feel very weak and unstable?
  13. What are my chances of catching schizophrenia?
  14. Suggestions to get pregnant faster?
  15. Period won't start
  16. Hypoglycemia symptoms
  17. Do I need to see a Doctor for possible pregnancy?
  18. What to do if I may be pregnant?
  19. Does thick discharge mean something is wrong?
  20. Cream for an itchy scrotum?
  21. Is bottling up feelings really that bad?
  22. How do I help get my friend to not smoke?
  23. How worried should I be?
  24. Herbals or glasses making him lightheaded?
  25. Free birth control?
  26. Severe abdomonal pains
  27. What's getting tonsils out like?
  28. Will the Pill help with my heavy period?
  29. What does the chemical iodine do to your body?
  30. Does birth control make you gain weight?
  31. What does cutting accomplish?
  32. What keeps the eyes in the socket?
  33. Why can't we have a baby?
  34. Does your boyfriend share your symptoms when you are pregnant?
  35. Negative pregnancy result
  36. How long until sugar enters the bloodstream?
  37. When will I have morning sickness?
  38. Is this a normal period?
  39. How to get my voice back?
  40. Is there a chance I will die giving birth so young?
  41. Can you all please pray for my Mom?
  42. What do you do if your kids have to go to the hospital?
  43. How to get over my reaction to surgery?
  44. How to stop temptation of food?
  45. How to cleanse the body of unwanted toxins?
  46. Which birth control pill?
  47. Should I stop drinking?
  48. Is it bad that I smoke for this?
  49. What to do if I am pregnant from rape?
  50. Why does this happen before and after my period?
  51. Can this make you pregnant?
  52. How to cause a miscarriage?
  53. What illness do I have?
  54. Why isn't my period here yet?
  55. Is it normal to miss my period?
  56. What if you want to do stuff but are too tired?
  57. Is being nearsighted inherited?
  58. Bipolar Friend
  59. Why do people get mouth ulcers?
  60. Lump on my ears
  61. How to fix bad neck pain?
  62. What are symptoms of appendicitis?
  63. Why are my hands and feet always cold?
  64. What causes light headedness?
  65. How to delay my period on purpose?
  66. Are girls condoms really safer?
  67. How long does it take to get weed out of your system?
  68. What's the pain and nausea?
  69. Is cutting addictive?
  70. Will you get pregnant if you havent started your period?
  71. Why does this happen if you pop a vein?
  72. Does nose bleeding mean anything serious?
  73. How do you know if you miscarried?
  74. Why does my tongue bleed for hours if I bite it?
  75. Does high growth of hair affects health?
  76. What is breast cancer?
  77. Who else has a cold?
  78. How to calm down around loads of people?
  79. How can I tell when I'm ovulating?
  80. Does anyone have family with Huntington's Disease?
  81. Scared of mri
  82. Is it bad that I feel happier when I drink?
  83. How to make myself happy?
  84. Should I put myself back into hospital?
  85. What's going on with my heart?
  86. What's this strange bump on my neck?
  87. Is it normal to have discharge all the time?
  88. What's wrong if I have to go to the bathroom a lot?
  89. Are the negative pregnancy tests accurate?
  90. Two months late, inconsistant with my pills...pregnant?
  91. What are your feelings on bulimia?
  92. How to make my period come back?
  93. Does drinking Rockstar help clean your urine?
  94. How to get my period back?
  95. Does an unstable period mean you can't have kids?
  96. Bumps on the end of my tongue?
  97. When am pregnant can I be getting mad?
  98. What is doo doo skin?
  99. Pain and sickness?
  100. How can I make myself throw up?