Are girls condoms really safer?

Are girls condoms really more safer but more dangerous… Would you suggest a women condom or a guys one what are the best brands … Thanx kaitlyn

Answer #1

Hi, these are called Femidoms and they are believed to be as reliable than condoms.

However, if you want to be extra careful, you can purchase spermicide foam which you apply inside you before putting the femidom in. This is a sort of cream that kills sperm upon contact but it should not be trusted on its own.

The other thing worth mentioning is that if you use a femidom, it is important that the guy does not wear a condom at the same time. This is for the same reason a guy should not wear two condoms at once.

Condoms are not meant to rub against a similar material and if they do, it is very likely that they will split.

So thinking that wearing two condoms at once or wearing one when the women is usining a femidom believing it is making things extra safe is false. In fact, by doing this it is making it far less safe and far more likely that the condom or femidom will split.

In which case, get to the pharmacy or Chemist straight away to get the morning after pill. A bit of embarrassment going there is far less than the alternative.

be safe


Answer #2

apparently femidoms are 2x stronger than male condoms! here’s a contraception site I found:

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