Is cutting addictive?

is cutting addictive cause I cut like every day or am I just weird? like to hear your opinions

Answer #1

This person shimmy doesn’t know what he’s talking about … I almost got sucked into it when I was younger and am glad that I had someone who had to fight with it seriously and won there to tell me how wrong it was … The bible says

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

That’s basically saying that You are the property and - if you have the Holy Ghost - the temple of God … It’s like going and carving on a church pew or going and keying the pastors car only with cutting it’s not the pastor or just God who has to forgive you for doing this to yourself … You will have a really hard life that can sput from this one - very serious - thing … If you’ve ever heard of a “gateway drug” then you know what I’m talking about when I’m saying that cutting could be a “gateway action” it can and will lead to actions and things that you couldn’t believe and never wanted to do. … Please stop and get help if you can’t do it by yourself … I’m not pushing religion on anyone but a good church that has the power of God - there are a lot who don’t have enough - can really help anyone but especally if they’re dealing with an addiction.

Answer #2

Cutting is addictive plain and simple. The same way an alcoholic grabs a drink or a drug user reaches for the needle it has become a part of your life and chances are the first thing you turn to when your stress level is high or you have too much buried emotions . Self harm very quickly becomes the main coping mechanism and until you find a way to deal with the emotions through a more healthy way such as journaling or therapy then chances are it is not going away. If you want to stop you need to realize why you have chosen this method to fix the problem.

Making light of someones problem by using guilt or jumping to conclusions can have deadly results. The first time I brought my cutting attention I got such a lecture and guilt trip that instead of stopping this behavior I just learned how to hide it better. I have been cutting off and on for a very long time. With any addictive behavior the faster you catch it the easier it will be to stop.

Answer #3

you’re not weird. cutting is addictive, that’s why it’s so hard for people to stop.

Answer #4

Yes, it’s addictive and dangerous. We can’t give you valid medical advice here, only suggest that you see a doctor or counselor immediately.

Answer #5

Yea its stupid to cut. Its no addiction its just all in your head … mostly for attention.

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