How to be anorexic?

I am 15 yeard of age. I am 5ft 4inch. I weight 112 pounds. I am so fat I really want to become anorexic.. can any one give me any advise

Answer #1

you want to become anorexic?god bless you ,, did you lose your mind?I m sorry to be hard but this is a hell yo dont want to enter and come here what if you become skinny? those models take money for their insanity what would you take?? huh? you would feel so ashame once you have such thing believe me and trust me you would cover your thin face with your hair and body would be covered ,,you would put make up to hide ,,and you would play hide and seek all your life some peopel will call you attention,,, you know what I mean some of them will look at you as an ill girl add to this starving pain 24 hours cant sleep cause your bones are clicking together and you feel so bad and suddenly you feel so good cause you stepped on the scale and lost 3 to 4 pounds and if anyone talk to you ,,will be your enemy ,you may hate your brothers/mother/sisters/father,anyone is the worst enemy cause they ca re and you dont want them to find out !!! ask for help cause its a bad desire you want to reach

Answer #2

You serously want to become anerixic lol thats crazy wats the matter with you because thats not good for you ull wont be able to eat anymore and your body will get weak trust me! its not the right choice to do just be happy the way you look because your weight is perfect for your kind of height and age!

Answer #3

8 stone…thats not fat. Im 8 stone 6 and really want to get down to 8 stone

You DONT want to become anorexic seriously believe me. Its an illness and not something you want to become. Loose some pounds by eating healthier. Eat at certain times and only a certain amount each day or something to lower your weight.

Answer #4

first of all, anorexia is SO not the way to go. second of all, at 5 4 and 112, you aren’t fat. it may as you look in the mirror that way but to others you may seem perfectly normal. Now, if you do still want to lose weight, go the smart path such as lots of exercise and healthy food. Just make sure you don’t lose too much otherwise you will be EXTREMELy unhealthy. Look at all your options, don’t just try and go the “easy” way.

Answer #5

exercise more. and eat breakfest, and a (healthy) lunch. that way when dinner time comes your not starving and you dont eat so much.

Answer #6

Eating Disorder FACTS:

The process of starvation associated with Anorexia Nervosa can affect most organ systems. Physical signs and symptoms include but are not limited to constipation, abnormally low heart rate, abdominal distress, dryness of skin, hypotension, fine body hair, lack of menstrual periods. Anorexia Nervosa causes anemia, cardiovascular problems, changes in brain structure, osteoporosis, and kidney dysfunction.

Self-induced vomiting can lead to swelling of salivary glands, electrolyte and mineral disturbances, and enamel erosion in teeth. Laxative abuse can lead to long lasting disruptions of normal bowel functioning. Complications such as tearing the esophagus, rupturing the stomach, and developing life-threatening irregularities of the heart rhythm may also result.

Sometimes those suffering with Anorexia and Bulimia do not appear underweight - some may be of “average” weight, some may be slightly overweight, variations can be anywhere from extremely underweight to extremely overweight. The outward appearance of a person suffering with an eating disorder does not dictate the amount of physical danger they are in, nor does is determine the severity of emotional conflict they are enduring.

Great Information: If you need someone to just listen, just talk to, or pray with you:

24 hrs: 1-800-488-4673

Ask-A-Nurse: 1-800-892-8260

Eating Disorder: 1-800-382-2832 (24 hrs) or 847-831-3438

USA: 1-800-252-TEEN or 1-877-870-HOPE

UK: 08457 90 90 90

ROI: 1850 60 90 90

Answer #7

Look i am 5’1 and 7 stones. I also am working on being Anorexic and i wont give u all the BS these other chicks are bcuz i already know the risks. go to these websites and it will help you: [link removed] [link removed] [link removed]

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