Health Questions

  1. How to stop vomiting from bulimia?
  2. Can I take ibuprofen for a toothache if I'm pregnant?
  3. How soon after taking antibiotics can I drink alcohol?
  4. Any tips for someone trying to conceive?
  5. Is it normal for your legs to "jiggle" ?
  6. Is there a cure for snoring?
  7. Is this normal?
  8. Why does vinegar hurt so much when I drink it?
  9. Any cure for a Stuffed Nose?
  10. Do I have a blot clot?
  11. How to fall asleep fast?
  12. Is it harmful if he hits my cervix?
  13. Does your cousin ever get depressed?
  14. What are the first symptoms after becoming pregnant?
  15. Can I use a contact after having pink eye?
  16. How to clean THC from your system?
  17. I think one of my friends is going to a mental hospital
  18. How can I produce breast milk without pregnancy?
  19. How to get the THC out of my system in one day?
  20. Having my babies soon
  21. What do they do during a physical?
  22. Cramps and Brownish Discharge
  23. Why am I most awake when I want to sleep?
  24. How do I know if im allergic to latex?
  25. Is being a size 0 harmful?
  26. Why would my period be so short?
  27. Can I get pregnant before I ovulate?
  28. Can you miss your period 3 times without being pregnant?
  29. Why haven't I slept lately?
  30. How to help my friend who could be pregnant?
  31. How to get rid of insomnia?
  32. So I got this protein shake...
  33. How to help a suicidal friend?
  34. Does genital warts prevent you from having kids?
  35. I have no willpower
  36. How to have fewer periods?
  37. What are these little red dots on my foot?
  38. Why do I get pain after sitting?
  39. Can I take a pregnancy test if it's been over a month?
  40. How far to go in to poke your eye out?
  41. My friend tried to overdose on advil, is that possible?
  42. Chance that I might end up pregnant ?
  43. Should I take my tampon out if it's in wrong?
  44. How to ease the pain from my tampon being in wrong?
  45. Will a home test be accurate?
  46. The top of my vagina is fat
  47. What is it like to go to the girl doctor?
  48. Can I get birth control pills from another doctor?
  49. Does this mean I'm pregnant?
  50. Am I mentally deranged?
  51. Why does my friend get sweaty when she sits down?
  52. Depression pills
  53. How to make a sickness worse?
  54. Why does it hurt when I go to the bathroom?
  55. Do I need to go see a doctor?
  56. Paranoid schizophrenia: Issues with time and dates?
  57. What does it mean when a period lasts for weeks?
  58. Why does my stomach feel so hard?
  59. Has anyone ever been verbally abused?
  60. Will the doctor be able to remove my keloid?
  61. Does the human digestive system grow as you grow?
  62. Bump on neck
  63. What are AIDS?
  64. Is this puberty?
  65. Can an overdose of vitamin c stop your period?
  66. How to make a homemade emetic?
  67. How to get over depression without counseling?
  68. Is there a chance that I'm pregnant?
  69. Tips to stop cutting?
  70. How to stop depression?
  71. How can I be emotionally independant?
  72. Should I let them induce my pregnancy?
  73. Why haven't I gotten pregnant?
  74. Why do I feel like blacking out when getting up?
  75. Why am I feeling dizzy?
  76. Do I need medication for my depression?
  77. How soon can your breasts become sore after conceiving?
  78. Suggestion to deal with depression?
  79. What do these pregnancy test results mean?
  80. Are sleeping pills dangerous?
  81. How can I release my anger?
  82. Dilated Kidneys in a baby
  83. How to get rid of a buffalo hump?
  84. How to not puke after running?
  85. Overdosing on painkillers?
  86. Why am I having two periods a month?
  87. How do I tell my parents I think I have manic depression?
  88. How to handle having ODD?
  89. Period smell
  90. Does anyone else just want to die sometimes?
  91. Does anyone have experience with Huntington's Disease?
  92. Why does my tongue hurt?
  93. How to motivate myself?
  94. How to fall asleep faster at night?
  95. Stuck between a rock and a hard place
  96. Should teens be able to get fake boobs under 18?
  97. How to fix my suicidal thoughts?
  98. If they hate weed why do they keep smoking it?
  99. Foods not to eat during pregnancy?
  100. Does lazer eye surgery permanently cure myopia?