Why am I having two periods a month?

For the last five months I have had two periods a month, anywhere from 2 to three weeks apart. I am 35 and have always had a 30 day cycle. Should I be worried?? Could my cycle just be chaging. I am also tired all the time and have the wrost cramps. thanks for your answear

Answer #1

well I am not a doctor but I had the same symptoms. you must see a doctor. It could be a sign of endometriosis. Usually the doctor will put you on hormones or birthcontrol pills to make it better. My doctor put me on nuvaring. ask about it. Its more convienient than taking a pill everyday. Also think about your diet lately, having you been changing eating habbits, cause that sometimes messes up things too. But defintely see a doctor and don’t be scared. I have been through it.

Answer #2

um. Wow that really doesn’t sound normal. Especially if its really hurting. PLEASE get that checked ASAP. If your periods are changing, I don’t think thats ever normal.

Answer #3

Hormonal imbalance probably… Go see a doctor, only way to fix it…

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