Do I have a blot clot?

I am 16 years old and do not have a period, the doctors dont know why. Today when I pooped…twice, blood came out and im positive its not out of my vagina. Im really scared and I dont know if I should go to the ER. Please take this seriously, because I am being honest. What should I do?!

Answer #1

I think you have polysystic ovaries I do an it causes me to not have a Period I would say go to the doctors an ask about it they can do test to check. an the other bleeding sounds like hemorrhiods I agree you should go to the doctor to be sure though until then you can use a cream from the store for the discomfort if there is any

Answer #2

its called hemorrhiods they make med for it you can also go to the doc and he’ll give you a script for some steriod cream that makes them better. It could also be a polyp which im thinking are low forms of cancer they can be taken out in out patient surgery though so dont be scared just tell your parents that there is something wrong and you need to go the doctor. Its highly unlikey for it to be a blood clot in that part of your body unless its the kind caused by the Hemorrhiods, which are pretty harmless.

Answer #3

yea I talked to my parents and they say we can see about it later…

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