Why do I feel like blacking out when getting up?

almost everything time I get up to walk somewhere everything turns black for like a minute and I get this quick rush headache what is up with that?

Answer #1

it very well could be that you are anemic. that was happening to me and I went to the doctor. it was fixed with simply taking iron pills…

Answer #2

You might need to see a doctor. It could be something as simple as not eating or being dehydrated. It could be something as serious as a heart palpitation.

Answer #3

Yeah LBP or maybe anemia? you really should see a dr… passing out while doing something could be dangerous (like driving…)

Answer #4

I dont know I just think that you should go see the docter cause it may be series.

Answer #5

That happens to me to..

Answer #6

This happened to me a lot as a teen and young adult. I think it’s about your brain not getting enough oxygen for a moment because your heart’s not pumping strongly enough to climb the extra distance to your head when you stand up quickly. It was not uncommon for me to collapse completelly to the floor from it, and several times I actually passed out and had small seizure-like episodes (limbs twitching). So yeah, I think it’s probably a good idea to talk to a doctor about it. Cardio exercise would probably help, too, especially if you’re not getting much of that now.

Meanwhile, make sure you stand up more slowwwly and gradually. I found it helpful to push up with my arms when possible, before pushing myself up with my feet. Kind of a two-stage standing.

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