Health Questions

  1. I Have These Weird Spots...
  2. Swelling from a punch
  3. Doctor apt
  4. Get Over It.
  5. Alone in the Dark?
  6. Thigh cutting
  7. whats your phobia
  8. Do abortions hurt?
  9. White crust in belly button?
  10. If I kiss more than 4 guys in one year, can I get a disease?
  11. Do you like mental health workers???
  12. I feel like something is going on
  13. breaking out please help !!
  14. Do you need 2 have white things on your tonsils 2 have tonsilitis?
  15. my boobs aren't growing and I've had my period for three years
  16. Prozac?
  17. Why can't I eat??
  18. Pregnant and bleeding.
  19. how can I get marijuana out of my system?
  20. What's the best way to increase memory power?
  22. tongue piercing swelling??
  23. Does smoking really kill you?
  24. in the yellow
  25. Irrational fears
  26. What's really so bad about weed?
  27. what are some symptoms of thyroid cancer?
  28. Too much? Too little?
  29. Can a cyst on your ovaries stop you from getting pregnant?
  30. spacers tommorow.
  31. Really gross red-sticky goo on my Joint, man.
  32. Pregnancy and neck pain.
  33. Could this happen ?
  34. I havnt started my period
  35. difference between trcylilc's and maori's?
  36. pictures of women with Herbies Internet
  37. My throat hurts really bad!!!
  38. my eyes hurt
  39. pregnant can be avoid?
  40. Why don't porn actors wear condoms?
  41. Female or male condom?
  42. how to take a pregnancy test...BTW I Gotta pee now!
  43. Which condom?
  44. does extcay mess wiht you body
  45. Intervention and I am Pissed- HELP
  46. If you had a damaged colon / bowel would you feel pain?
  47. How long does it take to tell that a girl is pregnant?
  48. oxycontin
  49. About My Body!!! HELP!!!
  50. STD if he didnt cum in you?
  51. Anxiety Problems
  52. why am I like this?
  53. addorexall pills. if I take two will I die lol?
  54. daughther never goes to sleep without being scared
  55. Eating habbits! I have an eating habbit were I eat at certian times
  56. really sore!!
  57. Pregnancy Syhmptons
  58. Concerning "Blood"
  59. Unconscious
  60. I haven't had my period In a while...?
  61. im sssiiiccckkk
  62. I want a canibis plant!
  63. How To Loose A STONE ! In 27 Days ?
  64. aids symptoms??
  65. Whats cholesteral???
  66. she got pregnant an got the brith control shot on oct 24, thoughts?
  67. Is this normal? Period question
  68. Help us please need help !!!
  69. am I a pothead yet
  70. doe anyone ever feel depressed after going on the computor
  71. back pain
  72. bacterial infecion =(
  73. how to measure dick size??
  74. whats a mental hospital like?
  75. HELP I'M WORRIED!!! Can internal organs repair themselves?
  76. yikes think I might be pregnant
  77. I am pregnant what should I do?
  78. Possibly about 4 weeks pregnant!!
  79. whats a histerectomny, need help
  80. how can I cure my stress??
  81. Why do my boobs droop?
  82. does an epidural hurt?
  83. im 15 and the size of my penus is only 3 1/2 inches!! is it normal?
  84. Sick and can't sleep...
  85. stopping period ?
  86. I don't know whats wrong with me...
  87. Does Weed Effect Your Grades?
  88. Do colds have anything to do with puberty?
  89. Pregnant on 4th day of menstrual cycle?
  90. 22 and trying to have 2nd baby
  91. Crawling-Face & hair
  92. headaches
  93. A question about my eyes...
  94. My friends 2nd suicide attempt... :(
  95. Pregnancy-for guys & girls to answer!
  96. pregnant on period?
  97. What does it feel like when you cry?
  98. Does eating ice damage teeth?
  99. Dental Health
  100. How to cut down on food?