Answer #1

Generally they use anethetics…

Medical Abortion (also called Mifepristone, Misoprostol, RU486, Non-surgical Abortion, the Abortion Pill, or Medication Abortion): The Abortion Pill is an option up to 8 weeks LMP. Prescription Mifepristone is taken in pill form at the clinic. It causes the end of the pregnancy. Then 24-72 hours later, the woman uses Misoprostol to cause the uterus to contract and expel the tissue. A follow-up appointment is required to make sure the abortion is complete. Occasionally more than one follow-up appointment is necessary. To use this method, women must live within 2 hours of a hospital. Some women prefer Medical Abortion because the process feels more natural and private; they can decide where they are when they go through the experience, such as staying home for the weekend. Side effects of the second medication include cramping, bleeding, diarrhea, nausea, etc.

Vacuum Aspiration: In the first trimester, usually 6 to 13 weeks, vacuum aspiration is the procedure used to empty the uterus. This traditional first trimester abortion involves three main steps: (1) an injection to numb the cervix, (2) insertion of a soft flexible tube through the cervix into the uterus, (3) suction created by an aspirating machine to remove the pregnancy from the uterus. It is done in an outpatient clinic, doctor’s office or hospital and takes less than five minutes to complete the actual procedure.

IPAS Syringe - Early Abortion with Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA): As soon as the pregnancy can be detected by ultrasound (typically 4-5 weeks), an abortion can be performed using a manual aspiration device called the IPAS Syringe. Similar to the suction aspiration procedure, the IPAS system consists of thin flexible tubing, but instead of using a machine to create suction, the suction is created by a handheld syringe. The procedure usually takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Aftercare is the same as with suction aspiration. Availability of this procedure is based upon doctor’s discretion. Abortion by syringe is sometimes referred to as the quiet abortion.

D & E (Dilate and Evacuate): From 13 to 24 weeks, Cedar River Clinics use the Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) procedure. Appointments are made for 2-3 consecutive days. On the first day, an ultrasound (sonogram) is performed to determine the size of the fetus. Then, the abortion procedure is begun by numbing the cervix with injections and inserting dilators into the cervix. Overnight these dilators gently expand, opening the entrance to the uterus. The next day, the cervix is again numbed, the dilators are removed, and the doctor uses special instruments to evacuate the uterus and remove the pregnancy. The final step is suction using the aspirating machine. In more advanced pregnancies, additional dilators are inserted on the second day and the fetus is removed on the third day. The medical procedure lasts about 10-15 minutes.

Sedation for pain management: At Cedar River Clinics, deep sedation is an option for either first and second trimester procedures. With deep sedation, the woman is unconscious during the procedure (5 to 15 minutes) and afterward she has no memory of the events. Anesthesia is administered intravenously, through an I’ve in the arm, by a licensed certified registered nurse anesthetist. It is fast-acting and consciousness quickly returns when the procedure is over. Afterward, the client relaxes for 1-2 hours before she can leave the clinic and she must not drive afterward. There is an extra charge for deep sedation and not all insurance plans cover it.

Local Anesthesia / Conscious Sedation / Comfort Sleep Several medication options are available to help make the abortion as comfortable as possible.

All abortion patients at Cedar River Clinics have access to a 24-hour hotline to call if there are questions or concerns between appointment days or after the abortion procedure.

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Answer #2

It really brings out the kid in you.

Answer #3

So you care more about your pain then you do with that of a child… Sick.

Answer #4

Abortion takes a Life.

Answer #5

ok all judging aside abortions hurt mentally for ever I know lots of people who have had them and they always come up in the drunk teary eyed conversations, but if you are raped I think it is understandible if anyone disagrees think of it this way your working late a man comes in to your store with a gun sexually assults you 1 month later your pregnant now your finally beginning to get over the trama but now when you look down and see the bump your forced to relive your nightmare not saying I would get one but dont judge those who do until you have walked in there shoes

Answer #6

I want to tell that ita a love symbol just like how happy when you get card from your hobby so why to abort

Answer #7

if people dont like abortions and have stupid shit to say about it why are you wasting your time ansering ? about it losersss get a life

Answer #8

I’m kind of shocked at some of the responses– her question wasn’t asking for your opinion on the topic of supporting or opposing the procedure–it was about pain…

There’s some good advice above. Here’s what I would add from experience: my answer is, if a good provider is chosen and the patient has followed the provider’s directions (say, not eating or drinking until after procedure is performed, among other possible instructions), then everything should go smoothly and relatively painlessly. Cramps (much like mentrual cramps) are to be expected.

The kinds of anesthesia you have to choose from wwill also have a direct impact on how and what you feel during and after. General anesthesia is the most pain-free option I know of. I’ve been informed other types of anethesia will allow the person to be awake and aware of surroundings and feelings, which I was told woud be pressure. I was also told by most providers that they prefer females who have NOT had vaginal births prior to an abortion be given general anethesia, unless you are POSITIVE you have a high pain tolerance. Last, many providers give the option of you trying twlight or local anesthestics, and if the pain is too much for you they can then switch you to general anethesia. If that’s what anyone is thinking about, make sure your provider is willing to do that for you, as well as prepared in the event you change your mind on the spot.

After the procedure, everyone I know has been back on their feet in hours and physically feeling normal/well within a day or two. (The only person I know who was in severe pain after having used general anesthesia did not follow proper procedure by emptying her baldder before surgery.) Contrary to what people spread around, complications are very rare and the procedure IS safer than giving birth.

So, do your homework and listen/read carefully, and everything should go well for you.

Answer #9

From personal experience: If you are further along [17-20 weeks] and have never had an abortion or given birth they do hurt. It does not feel like menstral cramps. Even with gas, muscle relaxers, oral sedation, and local anesthetic there was definitely still substantial pain. However the pain only lasts for a few minutes and if it is the choice you really feel is best you should not let that hold you back. Be brave and get through it and afterward you will most likely be relieved IF it’s what you really want to do. [ONLY if you are absolutely sure it’s what you really want!!!] First trimester abortions are supposed to be a lot less painful. Personally, I found that the worst part was the rods they inserted and left overnight to dialate the cervix. That pain was lesser than the actual procedure, but for me carried throughout the entire night. Some people say they cannot feel them at all. They are generally only necessary for second trimester abortions though I think. The procedure also usually takes longer if you are in your second trimester or have never had a child or an abortion.

Answer #10

abortions are disgusting… taking a life :( its awfull thats like when ure older and you have a child and kill it. they still have feelings you know…

Answer #11

They hurt like hell. they tell you it feels like a period cramp but that is bs cramps are never that bad. lol

Answer #12


Answer #13

yes they hurt a lot…I was screaming… literally and it hurts for weeks afterwards and emotionallyit never stops hurting. its a pain you have to endure your whole life. take my advice and dont get one… I regret getting doing that to this day

Answer #14

*Abortion takes a Life.

Your opinion…which I’m sure will be able to be disproven in the future.

If by “hurt” you mean physically…I tend to doubt it. If you are not knocked out when it’s going on, then I’m sure you are given some kind of treatment or pain-killer/suppressor.

Answer #15

abortions do hurt I think th pain would vary dependin on how far on in th pregnancy and which procedure it is you get, in my experience it was uncomfortable bit like period pain and back was sore it lasted a few days and was back to normal,

Answer #16

IF this person cannot support, mentally and physically to this child, then she has every right to have the termination, its not such an easy decision to make , but if you think about it maturly, surely youd want her to wait until maybe she had a job and a steady life behind her instead of bringing a baby in to this world to have nothing..? If your early on in the pregnancy I suggest you get the pill, its like a misscarriage and it is unpleasent just purly because you know its your baby . But dont feel pressured do what YOU feel is best believe me, I have mnade the wrong decision by booking my abortion because of what other people think, not because I want to keep my baby .Just think ok x

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