Why can't I eat??

For almost 2 weeks now I have had absolutely no appetite. I’m afraid because I’m boarder-line underweight, I have barely any fat on my body… basically I’m skinny. :-P I’m not anorexic or prego, I just look at food and wonder how I’m going to be able to eat it. When I eat a little it makes my stomach hurt.

I’m sick of hearing my mum yell at me that I’m wasting food and that I’m just “playing” around. How can I get my appetite back without making myself sick??

Answer #1

When I lose my appetite it’s usually because I’m worried about something or stressed out. I can become so worried or stressed about something that eating food just makes me feel sick. Is there something on your mind right now thats causing distress? Also, it could be the start of being ill. If it does carry on go to your doctor.

Answer #2

How much are you normally eating right now? Tomorrow eat just a little bit more than usual and keep eating just a little bit more than usual for about a week or until that amount feels comfortable. Slowly start eating more and more and hopefully you will return to your natural amount. If the eating becomes physically painful or extremely uncomfortable you should tell your Mom and visit a physician.

Good luck!

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