Why do my boobs droop?

Why do my boobs droop? im only fourteen, and I wear a 36c. and it seems like they sag. it kinda makes me feel uncomfortable. can you tell me why?

Answer #1

wear a bra all the time except for bed cause if you wear one to bed that can also make your boobs sag

Answer #2

I think you should not always wear your bras because if you do your breast muscles are not strong enough on there own so you have to wears bras less so they can become stronger and they wont droop anymore after time

Answer #3

If they sag or drrop, you need to build up your pectoral muscles, which are the ones that do (or don’t do) most of the ‘holding job’.

A simple exercise (I’ve described it somewhere here recently) is to stand straight, in front of a mirror, arms crossed at breast level. Grasp the wrists of each hand with the other hand, and then push hard and hold, for a count of 5 to 10. Repeat, again and again. You can do this as often as you get the chance. You don’t need any special equipment and you don’t need to change into gym clothes.

Answer #4

well I have a lil bit of belly fat so I guess im good haha.

Answer #5

no, I’m not overweight. im 5’8 and around 120.

Answer #6

C? Not A?

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