How to cut down on food?

I used to eat lots and stay thin but that’s not the case anymore, I guess it comes with growing up. I just transferred schools and the workload is a lot more and everythings harder so I don’t have time to exercise. I know you’re thinkin I can’t study all the time, but what little free time I do have, im mentally exhausted and I dont even get enough sleep? so would the only solution be to force myself to cut down? thats kinda hard because I’ve been eating a lot for so long.. what do you think?

Answer #1

its likely that what your eating is fine but by not exerscising you cant burn off any calories if your alreday eating helathy and not binging on junk food and soft drinks then dont change your diet or if you do, just have a big meal in the moring which will keep you fuller for longer, folloed by a small lunch and dinner with some snacks inbetween if you like at least half an hour of exerscise a day is the recomended amount everyone should be getting, so try to aim for that you could join an afterschool sport, walk to and from school, go to the beach with friends, get a skipping rope, exerscise bike/treadmill to use in your spare time, ect there are many ways to exerscise just make you you do around half an hour a day of it and you should be fine

Answer #2

chew gum. everytime I eitther forget my lunch or know that its gonna be a while till I chew some gummm it distracts you from the hunger and leaves your breath yummi :) get some of the special K water pouder to put in your water tastes good and dsnt make you hungry and their snaks are eralllyyy good too. you don’t have to cut back on food but just change your food style. uif you starv urself your body if gonna take twice the amount of calories when you do eat because its gonna want to store fat because of self preservation. eat something healthy every 2 hrs. keep a snak handy to keep your metabolism working. lowfat things fruit, snack bar, anything that isnt jusnk food is good. and stop drinking any sodas or carbonated drinks. they ahve wayyy to much sugar and thats like the worse stick ith water and you wont need to cut back on food + ull feel less exhausted =] hope I helpes fun mail me if you need more. im like a healthy eating freak :P

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