Food & Dining Questions

  1. Food quantities
  2. How much chicken do I need?
  3. Can I crock-pot cook sirloin pork loin roasts?
  4. Fruit and Veggies
  5. What is the name of the mainstrem "anti-alcohol" tablet?
  6. Fruit, or vegetable?
  7. Vegetarian corn dogs?
  8. Fave energy drink?
  9. Healthy vegetarian dishes for dinner?
  10. Too much salt
  11. Are you supposed to eat tuna straight out the can?
  12. When will Eggnog start coming out?
  13. Crabby pattie secret formula
  14. Fasting what does that mean?
  15. What is a fruit and what is a vegetable?
  16. Do you prefer Coke or Dr,Pepper?
  17. How many calories in a cheese savory sandwich?
  18. Specific food that I need not to eat when I'm epileptic?
  19. I can't get enough of what I'm eating
  20. how much does a bottle of hypnotic cost??
  21. Fast 0r Sl0w Metab0lism?
  22. Refreshments
  23. fish and weight loss
  24. Favorite Juice ??
  25. Classy
  26. whats the best tasting achohal beverage?
  27. Breakfast food faves?
  28. Chinese food
  29. Which do you prefer for breakfast? Cerial? or Breakfast bars?
  30. Whats your favorite sonic drink ??
  31. Favorite Ice Cream?
  32. What's your favorite Pasta dish?
  33. No energy, and a good-ish diet, HELP!
  34. Quick meal ideas?
  35. Favourite chewing gum!
  36. Vanilla ice cream or oreo ice cream
  37. How to make great nachos?
  38. Cheese fries or nachos with cheese
  39. Which candy do you prefer? Sweet tarts? or Smarties?
  40. How long can French Onion dip last unopened?
  41. KFC( Kentucky fried chicken )or KFC ( Kennedy fried chicken)
  42. who loves starburst??
  43. Coca cola vs pepsi
  44. Grilled chicken or or hamburger?
  45. Milkshakes or fruit smoothies
  46. Wierdest food combo
  47. How to make healthy food taste good?
  48. Apple pie or chocolate cake
  49. Cold mouth
  50. What are the rules of the atkins diet?
  51. Can you eat with your mouth ?
  52. How to make a pound cake
  53. What are good meals to cook
  54. Is tea healthy ?
  55. Where to get good chocolate?
  56. Does coffee really stunt your growth?
  57. Pancakes recipe?
  58. What's wrong with velveeta macaroni?
  59. salt pork recipies
  60. We all scream for ice-cream
  61. How to eat/slice a coconut?
  62. How to Fizz a drink?
  63. Whats your favorite drink?
  64. Has anyone ever tried Westvleteren Trappist beer?
  65. Hungary wax peppers
  66. Whats a good, tasty snack?
  67. What food for a japanese lifestyle?
  68. What is Powerthirst? and is it a real drink?
  69. Any good cookbooks?
  70. Veggies from the garden
  71. Monster energy.
  72. Are the clams in michigan edible?
  73. Tainted milk for kids
  74. Freezing potatoes
  75. To be a true vegetarian must you stop eggs and milk?
  76. What's your favourite Starbucks drink?
  77. Favorite Fast Food Resturant?
  78. Favourite Fall Dishes?
  79. Whats a good healthy snack ?
  80. What can I eat with braces?
  81. What muffin is better?
  82. Can someone survive off pickles and diet coke?
  83. Does bread contain egg or milk ?
  84. How long should I cook chicken for?
  85. Why do we call "french fries" french fries if they are not even French?
  86. Big Macs
  87. A lot of Hot Sauce
  88. hot sauce
  89. Which is better?
  90. has anyone eaten anything exotic
  91. Dipping an oreo in water would taste the same as in milk?
  92. Im vegan , where can I get vitamin B12 ?
  93. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being vegan ?
  94. Japanese Cheesecake
  95. Do you think fbi knows about the secret recipe of kfc.
  96. What kind of cookies?
  97. Frying chicken breasts
  98. How many grams are in a tablespoon
  99. Where could I find Rice Pudding already made in stores?
  100. Semi-vegetarian