Tainted milk for kids

Many children in china have gotten sick from tainted milk. (53,000 infants)

My question is:

Do they have the american equivilate of fda? And if they do, should their be more priority in this department?

Answer #1

China is a communist country. The government is the one responsible for the tainted milk, so don’t expect them to do much about this.

Answer #2

So a communist government cant possibly care about the welfare of it’s people?

Calderoh, they have a large population a lot of poverty… an fda isnt a huge priority when they’re simply trying to give their people the essentials…

Answer #3

No…I’d say not. The tainted baby formula contained melamine…the exact same poison found in the imported ingredients going into dogfood here, a year or so ago. The melamine killed thousands of dogs in the US and Canada…Supposedly, they were upping their quality control…but it’s obvious that they aren’t doing so…

It would be nice if our own FDA was more diligent in watching imported items from China…since we know that they are not.


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