Education & School Questions

  1. What degree did you get in college (or are pursuing)?
  2. Where can I retake my maths gcse?
  3. What colleges accept people with disabilities?
  4. What do you guys think? Should Huck Finn be taught in schools?
  5. Who can help with a history report on the korean war?
  6. How do I make the best of High school I am a incoming Fresman?
  7. Could this teacher have a crush on me?
  8. What should I doabout a rumor going round that im pregnant?
  9. How? Is it legal for pe teachers to fail a student...?
  10. How much schooling for a job that helps people?
  11. How much would it be to host a student?
  12. Who can help me with this math homework question?
  13. What is the importance of algebra?
  14. What is an example of a prime polynomial?
  15. How can a heart behind bars symbolize Dracula by Bram Stoker?
  16. How can I make school not boring?
  17. What should I bring to boarding school and other questions?
  18. How old do you have to be to drop out of high school in Texas?
  19. what is the probability of a paki university getting in the list?
  20. Why disciplining of student should not start at home?
  21. Where I can study to get a certificate as teacher assistant?
  22. Who can help with fractions?
  23. What usually happens if you get caught..?
  24. How to solve the equation for algebra 1 problem?
  25. When should I start to think about college?
  26. What is prime and factor numbers?
  27. How can I feel better about failing my drivers test?
  28. Who thinks I can do algebra 1.geometry.algebra 2 and cal all over?
  29. Who can help with some "fun" constitution stuff :(?
  30. What is the answer to this math?
  31. How to take pictures of me and my friends in class?
  32. What is the product of 3 and 3?
  33. Who done statistics (math lol)?
  34. How do you major to be a famous soccer player?
  35. Who knows if Psychology has math in it?
  36. What extracurriculars should I do?
  37. What's the value of x in this equation: x:6 = 12:9???
  38. How can I write neater?
  39. How can my friend redeem himself in college?
  40. What are some good tips on how to take the act?
  41. What's the answer to this math problem?
  42. What is your school like, mine is terrible?
  43. What would be a good IQ score, 125?
  44. Who can help me with the Vietnam Genocide?
  45. Who knows about the Coastal Alternative school in NJ?
  46. Who is John Locke?
  47. Who knows a website that has math cartoons?
  48. What is the point of science and social studies?
  49. What are good excuses to get out of school?
  50. How is writing in America different than in other Countries?
  51. Why I'm I scared to go to college.I barely realized I wanna go?
  52. Why does Poseidon Eartholder oppose Odysseus?
  53. What if I took an IQ test for an 18 year old, is 93 good?
  54. where the Mexican American War took place?
  55. What are the answers to these math property questions?
  56. Who can help me out on U.S history questions?
  57. What are fun things to do during class?
  58. Where am I supposed to go ? 10s or 10l? In school?
  59. How do values and attitudes affect goals?
  60. What do these words mean when your in university?
  61. What kind of questions should I ask a thunderstorm survivor?
  62. How can I stop procrastinating so I can get things done on time?
  63. How can I be ready for highschool when I'm going to a new school?
  64. What is a cool presentaion idea that everyone will like?
  65. What represents britian?
  66. Why did my teacher do this, was he checking me out?
  67. Who knows the insides and ovt about job corp?
  68. How can I raise fees to pay for my colleage education?
  69. what is a good law college to go to?
  70. Why does my teacher call me Miss (surname)?
  71. What time did Martin Luther King Jr make his I have a dream speech?
  72. How many people have bad grades in school
  73. What can I write for my History project?
  74. What is a good way to stay focused in class and not talk???
  75. Why did my teacher smile like this?
  76. How do I know whats going to happen ?
  77. How to make better study habbits ?
  78. How can I get a scale and meausurements for globe theatre?
  79. Who thinks this may be a bit much for me too keep up with?
  80. How do I answer this essay question?
  81. What is its solution??
  82. What is the Value of 1/0?
  83. How can I win a debate?
  84. How to solve polynomials?
  85. What do I email to my tutor about advise?
  86. What can I do to graduate on time?
  87. Why do we even have to go to school?
  88. What do you do in the morning before going to school?
  89. friend is lying about stupid things?
  90. Who planned the Erie Canal ?
  91. How can I sue the school for a injury to a student by a teacher?
  92. What do I need to study geology?
  93. How do I act when going to a new school?
  94. Who can tell me if what my teacher did is legal?
  95. Which highschool should I go2?
  96. Why do you think about going to highschool?
  97. How-can I possibly order a yearbook from years past?
  98. How can I locate my sat scores from 1971?
  99. How can I survive high school with no friends?
  100. What examples are there of electrolysis?