What degree did you get in college (or are pursuing)?

I’m just curious about the general majors floating around on the site. I wanted to see if maybe one particular college focus stuck out more than others. The question is simple - what was or is your major in college? Feel free to explain why.

Answer #1

Magazine journalism.

It allowed me to write nonsense for four years and had no math requirement. Done and done.

Answer #2

I have a few class done in computer technology then went into the USMC and now working toward my MBA (which I doubt I’ll ever finish lol).

Answer #3

I am in my second term of my Associates and so far I have picked Foundations of Business. I am happy, but after I get my degree I am going to explore other options just to be sure. I’m finding that the longer I am in college the more I realise how much I have to learn, and with that comes a change in outlook. With change in outlook comes change in interest and direction! Communications is really starting to sound good to me. A back ground in business is always good because that knowledge fits in almoat anywhere.

Answer #4

In undergrad, I was convinced that I could become this amazing investigative journalist who would uncover all of the scandals of the Bush Jr. administration. So I got my Bachelor’s in Print Journalism and Political Science.

By my Masters, I had the dream of running a no-kill animal shelter. So I majored in Public Administration, focus on Nonprofit Management.

Answer #5

Got my bachelors in psychology (I liked learning about why people do what they do) Getting my masters in mental health counseling (uhm, I like helping people?)

Answer #6

communications technology management was my course in college. I chose it because it sounds interesting when I read the course profile (sort of marketing+media+graphic design). I didn’t know what I’d like to do for work so I figured, a business course is a safe choice. I’d like to have a masteral on marketing management though.

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