How can I make school not boring?

I want to know how to maka scholl not boaring.beacause I hate scholl and I dont want to hate scholl. So can you tell me how I can not hate scholl

Answer #1

Maybe you should pay attention and learn to spell school, make, and boring and use punctuation effectively?

But here are some techniques to make learning not so ‘boring’.

  • When taking notes, write in different fonts, see how many you can come up with.
  • When revising, draw little pictures beside the notes about the notes. It will help you remember what you need to remember. Pictorial aids are often more effective than writing and auditory aids.
Answer #2

Add some funky badges to your skl bad and have a new hair cut pass notes around th class room get a boyfriend do somin funny for the sake of it be bad or daring

Answer #3

okey.relate with your classmates and try to make connection with some subjects ,math , science P.E and so will find your self gradualy love it.

Answer #4

If you spend break, lunch & before school with your friends, have a laugh and it will make you feel better, LOL-ing bout what happened with them and looking forward to seeing them again :D hope this helps :) x

Answer #5

it’s spelled School. You should just pay attention. Its not made to be fun its educational. Just think of it as preparing yourself for the future.

Answer #6

yeah enjoy having a laugh with your friends,its not boring its how you make it!!!

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