Questions & Answers

  1. Is this for real?
  2. Am I or am I not???
  3. Who wrote this song?
  4. How do I prove an unfit mother
  5. Reading Makes Me Sick (literally)
  6. Mum's a B**ch
  7. Why did rutherford choose to use alpha particles as his bullets
  8. Movie-Timeee
  9. Any other girls out there that shave their backs?
  10. 2,ooo grams is equal to how many kilograms
  11. Did Kanye West apolgogize to Taylor Swift?
  12. 22 weeks this somewhere what's your opinion?
  13. Does Masturbating affect height growth?
  14. Math help. Quick!
  15. How do I lose weight super fast without exercise
  16. Subjective/objective ?
  17. Coral Gables High stabbing
  18. Im bad with girls
  19. Im late on my period..
  20. What are those paper thingys called???
  21. My new pierced ears
  22. Am I aloud to go to his Homecoming Dance?
  23. Trying to lose weight
  24. Supporting a broken-hearted friend?
  25. Corn snake
  26. How come america has full on sexy foods?
  27. Business names?!
  28. What Is Your Opinion On The Economy?
  29. What that song called goes...
  30. Should I tell them I want to join the Army?
  31. My maths class :[
  32. I'm 14 and I haven't had a period for 2 months! help!
  33. Someone adds me on msn, accept then when they talk
  34. chances of becoming pregnant if someone cumes in you 3 times?
  35. Adive please..not normal
  36. The children skipped happily along the path like
  37. Why do I have a really bad stomach ache and nausea?
  38. Throw daughter out?
  39. De stress
  40. If my boyfriend gets inside me but..
  41. What is the best website to find information on zip codes?
  42. Hairstyle for a grads?prom kind of ting
  43. Whats san diego like?
  44. adminstration password for nmy computer how do I reset it
  45. I keep going to the toilet!
  46. with the VMA awards what happened
  47. get what im listening to to show up on my msn messenger
  48. A 6 day long fever and doctors cant tell why this fever?
  49. Do you think I should ask him out? & how?
  50. Butterfly Usernames!
  51. Interview with NewLook, HELP
  52. Wheres everybody
  53. Top love songs
  54. I'm getting 5 hours of homework a night?!
  55. Much Needed Help - Fingering?
  56. Help girl problems
  57. House party
  58. Wud you get wet if a boy feels yer boobs?
  59. Would you rathers?
  60. Brown spotting/bleeding.What does it mean?
  61. Will it be too late ?
  62. Birth control and missing pill.
  63. Question not going under the right category?
  64. Short in earphones
  65. Is john cena really married?
  66. Dying hair blonde with a box dye
  67. How can I get a job even though im 14?
  68. Sims3 wishes
  69. Parents trying to control my life?
  70. Toothpaste works on pimple???
  71. Boxer pup pottying outside
  72. so if its not pregnancy what can I have??
  73. Ghosts/afterlife
  74. Does everyone in their life time
  75. Age of empires3
  76. Need fashion advice!!!
  77. Eager to know
  78. Facial scars
  79. How to get rid of pimples info added
  80. Geting a list of folders on a server?
  81. New puppy, older dog
  82. Bullying getting worse =(
  83. Anyone got any good study techniques?
  84. I need a good movie to watch
  85. What subjects to be a journalist
  86. Ok im 1metre 53 how tall is that in feet
  87. Before summer comes, I wanna be tight and non-flabby in my bikini!!
  88. Where does every1 live?
  89. Felt like after you went to sleep you did something
  90. In yr10 and need a formal dress
  91. What do you do when parents get really mad at you?
  92. What should I do?
  93. Sims 2 agen lol
  94. First perceing besides the ears what would you get?
  95. Stick with online school or go to regular highschool
  96. Pictures in computer
  97. Oral swab testing and home remedies
  98. Can I tell what breed of shitzu I have by coloring
  99. I stared to use eyeliner
  100. Code snippets in