Questions & Answers

  1. What is wrong with the iPhone?
  2. Is being on the pill preventing me from losing weight?
  3. Can a fungal infection on a fingernail go away by itself?
  4. What's the maximum you can stretch your ears so that you can still wear earrings?
  5. Would you rather publish your diary or make a movie of your most embarrassing moments?
  6. How do you make homemade pink lemonade?
  7. FunAdvice Trivia: In addition to his work in electronics, which instrument did physicist Charles Wheatstone invent in 1829?
  8. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Beer Butt Chicken
  9. What are the side effects of the sleeping pills Ambien, Lunesta, and Melatonin, and how old do you have to be to take them?
  10. What are some ways to get rid of under eye bags?
  11. What is your description of a "toxic" person or "toxic" people?
  12. What your favorite movie of all time and a movie that you would like to see?
  13. Is the movie "That's My Boy" a good, funny movie?
  14. How do you feel about the 'Today Show" on NBC wanting to "drop" Ann Curry?
  15. Am I falling out of love with my boyfriend?
  16. How can I get over my ex and his pregnant girlfriend? (read more)
  17. How do I convince my parents to let me dance?
  18. Is it weird that I don't want to dance or date the guy I've had a crush on for a very long time?
  19. Why do some women crave chocolate when they are about to start their periods?
  20. What is your favorite kind of hot tea?
  21. What kind of job can a 16 year old apply for?
  22. Is anyone itching to see the new Les Miserables movie?
  23. How often do you pay rent in a house?
  24. Does anyone actually believe that there's going to be a zombie apocalypse?
  25. How many teachers must be in the classroom for children 6 years old and under in Illinois?
  26. Does anyone know any websites that show reviews for colleges that is a credible source?
  27. Do you think it's wrong that my grandfather is taking my deceased father's clothes without asking?
  28. Do freckles look okay with scene hair?
  29. What are these intense emotional 'tantrums'?
  30. Is card stock paper and textured paper the same thing or almost the same?
  31. What do you think is the most popular book genre?
  32. Is there a shoulder-length scene hair?
  33. What is happening to my sex liiiifffeeeee and my relationship. how do i explain without sounding controlling?
  34. How do you feel when someone is talking shit about you and you can hear them?
  35. What are some good dubstep makers?
  36. Can you name a character after another author's character (read below)?
  37. What movie most closely relates to your life?
  38. Do you agree with this Texas grand jury's decision?
  39. What breast cup size is average for 15/16 year old's?
  40. FunAdvice Trivia: To which family of printmaking does Lithography belong?
  41. Do you use sunscreen on your face?
  42. Why should you develop you personality?
  43. What's the most crazy story you've heard in the news, from any state?
  44. Who recommends Revlon Colorstay Whipped Crème Foundation?
  45. What does the term "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" mean?
  46. What are the itchy spots on my feet?
  47. How do I become a professional boxer?
  48. What is a trade school?
  49. What does everyone do when they get bored?
  50. Where to buy creepers in Las Vegas?
  51. What World of Warcraft gameplay features will be used in Diablo 3?
  52. What did you think about the movie Prometheus?
  53. Does anybody know a site where I could watch The Walking Dead season 2 online free?
  54. Is it bad that I don't agree with the bible even though I'm Christian?
  55. Do you think I'm right to be a bit worried about my party being gatecrashed?
  56. How do I get past the "Default mail client is not properly installed" message?
  57. Do you think having these necklaces is being "too obsessed" with Harry Potter and The Hunger Games? (photo link)
  58. Do you say "got damn" or "god damn"?
  59. Is it possible I have arthritis, diabetes, or fibromyalgia?
  60. How can i prevent myself developing bulimia again?
  61. where can i buy gatefold paper for inviations?
  62. Is pantene good for your hair?
  63. Is Revlon PhotoReady™ foundation good?
  64. Which juice would you choose between these two? (read more)
  65. How to fix a Windows error that keeps my computer from booting up?
  66. What is the name of the religion where you believe there is a God but you do not believe in his teachings?
  67. Why do people never think I'm Nigerian?
  68. What are two primary goals of any business?
  69. What's a good way to accent my freckles?
  70. FunAdvice Trivia: What author used the term 'psychomyth' to describe her surrealistic stories that lacked any scientific, spatial, and time conventions?
  71. Would it be a bad idea to take a cold shower?
  72. Is the bible/God misogynist?
  73. What's the difference between the Mustang Cobra and the regular Mustang?
  74. What is this - a concidence or irony? (read more)
  75. Can I get an STD from french-kissing a guy with an STD?
  76. How do you guys handle rude customers?
  77. What do you do when a guy robs you?
  78. Do you feel religious institutions should remain tax exempt?
  79. Is there such a thing as a fake belly button ring?
  80. Is this considered child abuse?
  81. How to burn videos on to a DVD+R?
  82. What can I do about the cyst in my wrist?
  83. How do I tell my boyfriend's dad I appreciate his help without feeling awkward? (read more)
  84. How to deal with frizzy, wavy hair?
  85. Can you get an STD from a toilet seat?
  86. How can I grow my hair healthier and longer?
  87. Is Population 436 a good movie?
  88. If I smoke one cigarette, will I get addicted?
  89. What color is the sun?
  90. Why do glaciers retreat?
  91. FunAdvice Trivia: What was the original name of the sitcom 'Seinfeld'?
  92. How do I apply for Paradise Island caretaker?
  93. What hairstyle would look good on me?
  94. Does anyone know a really good dream analysis website?
  95. Can an LED light cure gel nails?
  96. How to turn someone down without hurting their feelings? (read more)
  97. Would it be possible to read the thoughts of someone else with enough meditation?
  98. Is it true that going to bed early makes you look younger?
  99. Any tips on how to remain calm in stressful situations?
  100. What do you think of shy people versus loud and out there people?