What can I do about the cyst in my wrist?

I have this cyst in my wrist that Ive had for about 3 years now.. It seems to shrink in grow uncontrollably. I think it may be a genetic thing because my little sister also has the same cyst in her wrist as well.. When I went to the doctor about it a year and a half ago, my doctor says that its nothing and should be ingored because its not a big deal.. unless it starts to get painfull. Well, sometimes its really painful, other times it doest hurt at all.. Should I ingore it or get it removed?

Answer #1

Well, the doctor said if it gets painful it shouldn’t be ignored. If it’s very painful at times and others not, that’s still pain. I think you should go to the doctor and tell them. It shouldn’t be ignored any longer though.

Answer #2

well i have one on my forehead.my hair hides it so its no big deal.and the doctor says unless its painful there’s no point in removing it..so id say if it hurts i would get it removed

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