Does anyone actually believe that there's going to be a zombie apocalypse?


Answer #1

Idk I saw something about this little boy that woke up from the dead at his funeral and then died again so im sorta on the border.

Answer #2

Nope.. I honestly dont at all believe in zombies… & if so, nothing to be afraid of.. I mean, how much damage can can a dead corpse do??

Answer #3

no way….. don’t count on it. even though many people actually think there will be, don’t be one of them.

Answer #4

Nope. There is nothing out there that reanimates the dead, not even bathsalts.

Answer #5

I’d like to think not.

Answer #6


Answer #7

Nah. Just doesn’t make sense how something that’s embalmed could come back & do harm. It’s jut impossible in my head.

Answer #8

if so, im prepared.

Answer #9


Answer #10

i am so sure there will be one there was this story real recently about this guy who went on dr!gs and ate some guys face off… the cop shot him 2 times and the zombie guy just growled at him like it was nothing they said if he had kept going on the dr!g it wouldve taken alot more than some bullets to kill him… another guy that was on the dr!g was hit by a car and was dead for like 2 hrs before he came back to life…

Answer #11

Well zombies eat people and turn people into zombies so I guess they could do a lot of damage… But zombies are very stupid, it’s always the fault of the survivors getting caught up in stupid bs that leads them to getting killed :o

Answer #12

yes!! there has been alot of serois stuff going on there was the guy who ate the other guys face off^^ there was a girl who cut off her babies head off and ate some of its fingers and toes!!! but some poeple like the govoement say its the bath salt drug thats doing this… alot of poeple think different things though…… ≈]

Answer #13

Exactly why there wont be a “zombie apocalypse”.. He was on dr*gs (bath salts to be exact); which make you extremely numb to pain, you hallucinate, and the person shows a weird characteristic of having an unknown boost of super human like strength; the affects feel like a combination of shrooms, acid, and ecstasy.. -_-

Answer #14

All kinda like a fictional “zombie”..

Answer #15

Yep.. How hard is it to outsmart a dead person?

Answer #16

and sady jay, i herd the same thing but the reson he did it was he snorted bath salts wich can make you filp out.

Answer #17

Zombies….You guys are crazy…..Do you not know the difference to real life and fantasy?….your all confused and making yourselfs look stupid…get a grip,these thoughts will only confuse your confused minds further and ensure the men in white jackets come that bit sooner…..bbbut…i see it in movie,derrrrrrmovie is real coz i red it on der interned.

Answer #18

lol nope :P

Answer #19

That will happen in USA. It always happens in USA in the movies. And because zombies can’t swim, we’re safe over here in Europe. We’ll watch you die on the webcam. And when everyone is desd, we’ll ask the Russians to fire all their Nukes.

Answer #20

Aw, c’mon … we’re right next door :(

Answer #21

You have grizzlies and stuff. They eat all the zombies.

Answer #22

Reanimated zombies won’t happen, the dead are not going to rise up and eat us that’s just fantasy. Virus zombies on the other hand are quite possible if a virus occurs or is created that affects the human mind in such a way that we return to our primal roots and crave human flesh then it will be like tht guy on bath salts but in the thousands if not more. I serious doubt that’ll happen but if it does we’re screwed

Answer #23

what if ppl reproduced like that and the child came out as if he had been on the dr*gs but he wasnt and then eventually it would evolve so there could be a zombie apocalypse… its possible

Answer #24

“ What if “ questions are never good questions..

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