Questions & Answers

  1. Is there such a thing as green pomegranates?
  2. Is there a website where I can legally download free music to my iPod?
  3. Do you think it would be scary if the airlines put the first episode of Lost instead of a movie during a flight?
  4. Are two A's, eight B's, and four C's good grades for GCSE's?
  5. Do sugar substitutes dehydrate you the same as granulated sugar?
  6. Do you have to be pretty to work in New Look or other clothing shops?
  7. Whats your favorite Subway Sub?
  8. Do you believe in the Slenderman?
  9. Is it normal to lightly bleed/spot after switching birth controls?
  10. How can I get paper off my wooden table?
  11. What is the best fast food restaurant?
  12. Is it possible for my heart rate to be 255 beats per minute?
  13. Is there a movie or a game like this? (read more)
  14. Is there a program where I can pick which sound I hear from each of my devices?
  15. Who would win - Godzilla or King Kong?
  16. What are good/trusted websites where I can rent textbooks and novels for college?
  17. What is something interesting about yourself that I may be surprised to know?
  18. How do you accept the fact that someone's gone out of your life (not dead)?
  19. How can you tell if a dollar bill is real?
  20. Who is the villain in the end of the Avengers movie?
  21. Where can I get a gel eyeliner (The kind that you dip your angled brush into)?
  22. Why do you have to have the license plate of the state you live in?
  23. Is Popeye's better than KFC?
  24. Is it me or is Justin Bieber is getting better?
  25. Where can I buy/download Crizzly's music?
  26. Who would you like to meet off of FunAdvice?
  27. How should I style short, thin hair without damaging it?
  28. Can eight year olds watch Doctor Who?
  29. What does Nutella taste like?
  30. How old does a puppy have to be to eat solid food?
  31. What is the difference between impathic and empathy?
  32. What can I call a place where infantry is being trained into soldiers other than "training grounds" or "infantry facility"?
  33. Is there any natural way to lower your metabolism besides waiting until you're older?
  34. Does anyone have any tips on how to remove small ticks off of your dog?
  35. Is it weird to wear fιngerless gloves in summer?
  36. How to help your fear of the dentist?
  37. Does anyone know how much AT&T Unlimited Text, Talk, and Web is for a month?
  38. What can I do about my mom not liking my boyfriend?
  39. Is there an easy way to learn directions?
  40. What can I do to exercise for swimming without being able to go to a pool?
  41. How do I get over my fear of camping on the river?
  42. Why did my permit expire only after 5 months?
  43. How do you delete Skype conversations?
  44. Does semen help the zits on your face if you rub it in?
  45. What are some home remedies for getting rid of headaches?
  46. Is this shirt too "flashy"? (photo links)
  47. Why don't they make a contest for the 100 most generous people in the world instead of the 100 most powerful people in the world?
  48. Does red kool-aid work on black hair?
  49. Where do they get off naming hurricanes, huh?
  50. Is SoonerCare considered welfare?
  51. Are there any easy and simple tips on how to open a locker?
  52. Do I have the right to request a different specialist?
  53. How can I tell my boyfriend to take a shower in a nice way?
  54. What's worse to you - Pit bull fighting or rooster/c0ck fighting?
  55. Is there any dog food that has the same taste as cat food?
  56. Is ok to put your aunt as a reference on an application form?
  57. FunAdvice Trivia: Which legendary person states that he is 'second only to Taliesin'?
  58. What can a gas leak lead to? (More info)
  59. Does anyone know if I can get a free stair lift fitted for my nan in Bristol?
  60. Do you guys believe in global warming ?
  61. What is WikiLeaks?
  62. Why are there little stars in certain places?
  63. What to do about being naturally thin?
  64. How do you beat binge eating?
  65. Where to wear Twisted Peppermint lotion--all year round?
  66. What is the best way to deal with an autistic child that uses violence when they don't get their way?
  67. Who do you think will win the Champions League this season?
  68. What's a cheap, but good quality, acne spot treatment?
  69. What should I do about this boy who keeps trying to talk to me?
  70. Is Six Flags America in Washington DC very dangerous?
  71. What things should I put in my friendship bread?
  72. Why did Anonymous randomly give me 5 points?
  73. Why does the computer turn off by itself if I'm not using it?
  74. How would you pronounce lychee?
  75. How can I convince my parents to let me sleep over at my friend's house?
  76. When writing my resumé how do I say that I have experience in the French language, but I'm not fluent?
  77. What color do you think I should dye my hair?
  78. Can your parents see your text messages if you have an iPhone?
  79. How "real" are reality shows?
  80. What can I take to relieve cramps?
  81. Do the following celebrities have Jewish ancestry?
  82. What should I write in this essay so that I can get into their school for junior year?
  83. Where can I find American Greed episodes 2012?
  84. Do you feel people are being too hard on Todd Akins?
  85. FunAdvice Trivia: Which British computer built in 1943, whose existence was kept secret until 1976, was actually the world's first?
  86. How to make mineral makeup at home?
  87. Would a dress of this shape, length, and skirt, look good on me?
  88. How much should my total be for this iPad with the insurance and iTunes card? (read more)
  89. How do I download my music to more than one apple product?
  90. Do you believe that it is unfair that the republican party is trying not to give the women a choice to abort in the case of incest or rape?
  91. How do I stop being so bitter? (read more)
  92. What is the difference between the ratings M+ and MV?
  93. Why can't I post pictures on FunAdvice?
  94. Why don't they make a new channel for dumped TV show series?
  95. Would you rather drink a gallon of sweat or take a shower with Justin Bieber?
  96. What food is better and healthier - the food sold in the food cart on the streets, or the food sold in fast food restaurants?
  97. What year did Community Inspector Spacetime start?
  98. How to have smooth skin (natural methods) without whitening it?
  99. What's the best place to download music and movies without downloading viruses?
  100. Is it normal to have bed bug bites on one small section on your back?