Questions & Answers

  1. Women do you like bald guys or not?
  2. why do i keep thinking about my ex after 5 years?
  3. University - Unconditional offer
  4. how can i deal with a brother that i hate?
  5. what can i use that vibrates like a vibrator for masterbation
  6. how do you book airplane tickets?
  7. is apple mac the BEST laptop?
  8. whats the difference between a tablet and a ipad?
  9. can you download word on ipads?
  10. Are chucks good for skateboarding?
  11. True or false: a rate of change must be negative
  12. What information do i give to someone so they can mail me something?
  13. Where could I purchase these flat black boots?
  14. How much money do i need to save a week?
  15. Does anyone find it wierd that i'm 15 and haven't kissed a guy before?
  16. How do I lose 24 pounds?
  17. Can i turn off my disability income and get a real job?
  18. isnt the medication Ativan supposed to help you not be so emotional?
  19. Whats the difference between an iphone 4s and an iphone 5?
  20. how come that nobody patent the invention of the hamburger?
  21. How old are you and how much do you weigh?
  22. where's the best place in Dublin to take boxing in?
  23. cell phone for internet help
  24. How do you make a video book trailer?
  25. If somebody would make a device for women to pee standing women would use it?
  26. Long distance relationship issue
  27. hi i have intirnal bleeding wen i go to the toilet and i poop, clean blood
  28. sould i wear pantyhose
  29. Why every singer seems to be attached to evil cults?
  30. i had sex withmultipal patners so now wt should i do.
  31. I wish there was a pill for insecurity
  32. do you think it should be mandatory to learn spanish and/or sign language?
  33. boyfriend's mama hates me without cause?
  34. What is up with him? Does he like me?
  35. What are the best hair products to get for wavy/curly hair?
  36. Do you think your house is haunted?
  37. Where can I get this blazer or one very similar to it?
  38. What are some good websites to purchase sunglasses at a cheap price?
  39. My 7 year old son keeps doing inappropriate things with his sister
  40. cell phone USB reciever for computer question
  41. how do i get my family to pay atention to me
  42. Can anyone tell me a lyrc video maker I can download to make somthing like this
  43. How long can you keep body lotions for?
  44. Should i get a WII U or a PS3?
  45. which should i pick?
  46. I have this crush....
  47. What should i do , my right ear is not ok.. i dont want to wear hearing aid :'( ?
  48. What to make for lunch
  49. I need advice quick! Is it possible I am bipolar?
  50. Could I be pregnant
  51. did you find any good special today for black friday?
  52. HTC 8x or Samsung Galaxy 3? Is android better than windows 8?
  53. I need name help...
  54. What size would i be in hollister jeans if im a size 2R in abercrombie jeans?
  55. What are good songs to listen to mad?
  56. Umm this is a crazy q:
  57. does she like me, because I cannot tell?
  58. Wanting to be financially free!
  59. im so horny all the time and i dont have a girlfriend what do i do?
  60. Serious question!
  61. Are you for or against feminism? Why or why not?
  62. Why Is My C*m Not C*m? *Graphic Question*
  63. Can i still use the sex toy even if everybody says its beginner??
  64. What college do you go to and how is college life for you?
  65. What are you thankful for this year? Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
  66. What are your opinions on December 21, 2012?
  67. Black Friday question
  68. What are you eating for thanksgiving?
  69. I love a guy who left to the military without knowing...
  70. What is the difference between computing science and information science?
  71. How come I'm afraid of needles?
  72. What is a vacation, please?
  73. Why doesn't iTunes let you download mixtapes to your iphone/ipod?
  74. Job Interview follow up?
  75. Why does peroxide not work in my hair?
  76. What do I do if I want to get rid of my snake bite piercings?
  77. How Can I Find Ways To Stop Cutting Myself?
  78. Is it wrong to want to be with a girl when she is already in a relationship?
  79. Why doesn't my mobile network work on my Android?
  80. Amazing legs? What?
  81. What are some home-made dog foods I can feed my puppy for nutrients?
  82. What makeup do I use for oliy skin?
  83. is being a lawyer an enjoyable job worth the financial investment
  84. What's weird about being sixteen and getting your first skateboard?
  85. why is it that everytime me and my boyfriend fight i want to cut myself?
  86. How can i fix it with my bf?
  87. Texting after a hookup?
  88. How do I use a Tampax secretly?
  89. How do I deal with not being able to see my girlfriend
  90. why do i see my self sleep?
  91. How do I pull up the google HTML editing code thing?
  92. How early in your pregnancy did you start having braxton hicks contractions?
  93. I hope nothing happen on March with those crazy theories about the microchip?
  94. Can you pull a muscle in your arm?
  95. How do i maintain my sweating problem?
  96. Wish her a happy birthday FROM us or FOR us?
  97. Is there a way to delete my password on my iPod?
  98. how long does it take a senegal parrot to learn a word ?
  99. my labia skin is very loose , its hang out at the time of loo.,plz sugest
  100. Does whats up Windows mobile