Questions & Answers

  1. What causes some people to be left handed?
  2. What are some good relationship songs by lil wayne, or drake?
  3. Does anybody know any places where I can get band t shirts or any indie style clothing?
  4. What are some REALLY hard core bands?
  5. Are there any cures for trigger finger without surgery?
  6. Whats a hookah bar?
  7. How can I keep track on how many books I have read?
  8. How do you chose between which colleges you should go to?
  9. Would you guys recommend the davinci code movie?
  10. Can you sue a person who writes defamatory remarks to you on a social networking site?
  11. What is the capital of Jordan?
  12. How come you cant join the army if you go to a charter school?
  13. Are Trey Parker and Matt Stone (southpark) still making episodes?
  14. Do you always need a co signer if you are a first renter in MN?
  15. Should you always go for the cheaper apartments?
  16. Do you listen to music while you are writing, or doing homework?
  17. Should I start taking my prescribed sleeping pills?
  18. How do you excel in writing jobs?
  19. what is the difference between Natrilix SR and Natrilix?
  20. What are some good NON mainstream songs?
  21. How hard will it be if I quit my job and take an interest in online jobs?
  22. What should I do about getting my high school diploma if I can't get to school?
  23. Is it true that urine can be used as medicine?
  24. What can I do to stop the plug for my laptop battery charger from falling out, it's really loose?
  25. What can I do with photos on photoshop for our anniversary?
  26. Why do my right hand hurt?
  27. What do you call a female Titan?
  28. How many times do you need to have tonsillitis to be eligible to get your tonsils out?
  29. What was the Greek Myth of how the Earth was created?
  30. What is your opinion on grills, the kind people wear in their mouth?
  31. When your tummy growls it means your hungry so what does it mean when your heart does it?
  32. Is it really bad for your battery if you charge your phone when its on?
  33. Which way do you stand your Xbox 360?
  34. How can you keep from having to clear your cache all the time?
  35. Do Roman Catholics worship Jesus Christ or Mary the mother of Jesus?
  36. Why do people self-pity?
  37. What would you do if someone tells you your childish and boring?
  38. Would you be able to live without electricity?
  39. What can I use to reduce the appearance of enlargened pore on my face?
  40. Are there any restrictions on purchasing plane tickets for someone in another country?
  41. Why does my Nokia 5230 battery heat up so quick?
  42. is it possible for your tongue to grow?
  43. How do i legally change my middle name?
  44. What is the circumference of the Bronkhorstspruit dam?
  45. What are these red little spots under my eyes and near my chin?
  46. How long do you have to wait after eating before you swim?
  47. When you turn in an application for a job do you always have to give a resume'?
  48. If you are addicted to something that is not necessarily a bad thing, should you still get help?
  49. Why do my eyes always burn and are dry?
  50. what do you call people who research congenital abnormalities?
  51. What is a good way to watch live TV streaming over the internet ?
  52. Who thinks prop 19 is going to pass?
  53. How do you tell if avocados are ripe or not?
  54. Why am i getting muscle contractions ?
  55. Can anyone explain the process where an electron, theoretically, 'leaps' from one universe to an alternate one?
  56. Where do the Light Reaction and the Calvin Cycle each take place in the chloroplast in photosynthesis?
  57. What would be some reasons my eye is hurting?
  58. what does it mean when tour nipples get hard?
  59. is it possible to report an app on an ipod?
  60. What is your favorite part of being on funAdvice?
  61. what do you think is the perfect age to be?
  62. Did you vote today?
  63. What was it like to live in the 60s?
  64. Can you press charges on someone for makeing online profiles using your name and pictures?
  65. Can someone explain to me what the greatest common factor is?
  66. What are some recipes that use a pumpkin?
  67. What is a good device I could use too record my TV?
  68. how do i make my own music?
  69. how do i get rid of my computer worm?
  70. what is going to therapy like?
  71. What are some extreme sports that I can try eventually?
  72. how can I ever get over the guilt that I feel over the death of my beloved cat?
  73. How do I treat temporary insomnia?
  74. Who is a female funeral director on here?
  75. do u have be 18 in order to get a credit card?
  76. How would I pay taxes, I'm just a tutor?
  77. How often do babies need to breastfeed?
  78. Does every woman have implantation bleeding, or does it just depend on the woman and her body?
  79. Why does it say i'm almost 18?
  80. What would you do if you had a nice career, and your child came to you and begged you not to work anymore?
  81. what nite is it best to see a falling star or shooting star?
  82. When can I play my instument in band after a tooth extraction?
  83. How do I get Manic Panic out of my hair quickly?
  84. How can I teach my children to be more reliable?
  85. When puking what does it mean if u see blood?
  86. what age can newborns drink water?
  87. Why is a dollar called a "buck"?
  88. How can I fix my life when I have messed it up so solidly?
  89. Why isn't my mail showing up when I try to check it in Yahoo Mail?
  90. how to get over a bad trip on shrooms after 2 weeks of doing them?
  91. what to do about swelling and inner cheek marks left after wisdom teeth extraction?
  92. what would be the recommended daily calorie intake of an adult female who is a professional dancer?
  93. Does Acai Berry actually work, and what exactly is it suposed to be good for?
  94. Why do I keep getting dreams about being in an earthquake?
  95. why do people get cold or hot?
  96. How do I find a pin number for my bluetooth connection thingie on my computer for my cell phone?
  97. why do i sometimes get this feeling to massage by breast or have the need for someone else to do it for me?
  98. How can I bring up the topic of opening a bank account to my parents without them thinking I'm ridiculous or too young?
  99. why doesnt my computer turn on?
  100. What is more fundamental, love or friendship?