Would you be able to live without electricity?

Would you be able to live without TV, Computer, Lights, etc…?

Answer #1

No…we have regular power outages here and every time we do, I’m completely frazzled until it comes back on. I need to be plugged in, lol.

Answer #2

i can live without tv, lights or stuff like that but take my internet away and you would kill me :(


Answer #3

I’m sure I could, but I wouldn’t like it much. I’m definitely spolied and love having a TV, music, computer etc.

Answer #4

it would be hard the first couple days but after awhile it would get easier.

Answer #5

any other time probably for a little while (apart from the iPod) but what with my dad definetly not just now

Answer #6

I grew up on regular power outages. They weren’t fun, but you learn to adapt. It just gets boring at night (no TV, no reading, it’s kinda hard to do much in candle light).

Answer #7

i would not :p for sure if we had no electricity from since the day we were born it would be okay but if we lose it immediatly that would be soooo hard.

Answer #8

Its not possible for us to live without electricity. but we have to reduce the level of usage of electricity. we can save the electricity resources by minimum usage i.e unwanted usage has to be cut down. without electricity no work can be done in that case electricity is a must for domestic use we need to use at a minimal level, that can prevent wastage of electric resources

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