Questions & Answers

  1. Who sings im a joker im a smoker im a midnight toker?
  2. Which piercing hurts the most?
  3. What do you do to become a bounty hunter?
  4. How can I lighten my hair if I have dark eyebrows?
  5. Can my parents take my baby away if I'm 13?
  6. What is 'plump'?
  7. How long to wait in between highlighting?
  8. Does anyone use Sling Media SlingBox ?
  9. Is it possible to lose 10lbs in a month?
  10. How can I become musically discovered?
  11. Is it OK for an adult to watch cartoons on
  12. What shoes should I wear with a shirt dress?
  13. Does your high school have the 30cm rule?
  14. Does the sun move around the earth or the other way around?
  15. Where can I find a sports job at 14?
  16. Can you get pregnant if he ejaculates on your vagina?
  17. Is he taking this too seriously?
  18. How can I get over my nerves to talk to a girl?
  19. How can we solve our baby blues?
  20. What's the name of this country song?
  21. Where can I find some websites on good spell casting lessons?
  22. How can I convince my boyfriend I like him?
  23. Can a married man have feelings for the "other woman"?
  24. What if I'm having doubts about being athiest?
  25. What is this piercing pain all over my body?
  26. Can a male Maltese impregnate a female cat?
  27. Am I too tight to have sex?
  28. Should I lighten my hair gradually?
  29. Do You Make Friends Online For The Sake Of Friendship?
  30. How can I increase chances of getting pregnant?
  31. How to take care of dry skin?
  32. How can I beat Minesweeper?
  33. Does milk from my breasts mean I'm pregnant?
  34. How can I tell when to stop putting tampons in?
  35. What's wrong with my naval piercing?
  36. Can I make fun of someone who's calling me ugly?
  37. Which hairstyle and color should I get?
  38. Does losing weight increase your penis size?
  39. How can my sister and I lose weight before Hawaii?
  40. Should I wait before transplanting holly bushes?
  41. Should I bury my husband's affair?
  42. Who sings the song spirit in the sky?
  43. How do I make my crush jealous enough to like me?
  44. Will my PC handle more memory?
  45. What do drugs do to a person?
  46. What's the lifespan of a Lapso shitzu?
  47. What's the average vet salary?
  48. How can I entertain myself while grounded?
  49. What do I do about this long, long crush?
  50. What's the single biggest improvement we can make to the site?
  51. What are some good cardio workouts?
  52. How can I gain a bigger butt??
  53. Anyone want to exchange muscle pics?
  54. Why does it burn when he ejaculates in me?
  55. Why does funadvice change our titles?
  56. How can I turn punk rock?
  57. Does sole physical custody mean we can move out of state?
  58. Why do people gain weight?
  59. How do I show my girl that I'm crazy about her?
  60. When can our society progress as one?
  61. How can I make sure we stay friends?
  62. How did mumps start?
  63. Does he just want action?
  64. How can I pretend this rumor doesn't bother me?
  65. Should I ask my boyfriend to marry me?
  66. What's it called when you're green?
  67. How long did it take you to get over your ex?
  68. How can I be a vet ASAP?
  69. Why can't I ejaculate?
  70. How can I stop feeling bad?
  71. Can me Dad keep me in the state of Michigan?
  72. How to convince my grandma that we're just friends?
  73. How can I cope with my older role model's break up?
  74. How do I make sure we stay friends?
  75. How do you get past the Myspace block?
  76. How possible is it that I'm pregnant?
  77. Does my ex still love me or want me back?
  78. How do I get my kid to not cry when he goes to preschool?
  79. How can I get a truck-driving job with a felony?
  80. How can I get my period to come back?
  81. When's the best time in your cycle to conceive?
  82. If I'm pregnant with a boy, what are good names?
  83. How can I be like the guy I want?
  84. How can I tell my man I want a baby?
  85. How can I get over my ex to see someone new?
  86. Which guys should I go to the formal with?
  87. Are my erections normal?
  88. How can I turn him down and keep our friendship?
  89. How can I make my new cat less nervous?
  90. What are some good rock hairstyles?
  91. What does a "doubtful positive" result mean?
  92. Is it too soon to ask someone else out?
  93. How can I get missionary sponsors for my study?
  94. What are these white things in my mouth?
  95. Why won't my boyfriend approach me?
  96. What's some good baby names for a girl?
  97. What if my boyfriend wants me to get an abortion?
  98. How do I get over heartbreak from my best friend?
  99. What do I do about this party drama?
  100. Is it safe to have a pet turtle?