What are these white things in my mouth?

I have these white things in my mouth! They are really horrible and smell really bad…they come out when I cough. I have tried antibiotics, but they didnt work at all. I have been to the doctors numerous time and have numerous checks and apparetly they are there to get rid of infections.. they are appently very harmless but I can’t seem to breathe with them. I got it about a year ago and I sing sooo much. You wouldnt beleive how much I sing! Im in choirs, performed in the boy from oz ecetra exetra -(I dont know how to spell that lol) and there is a lot of strain on my throat. I also have major anxiety problems and yeh I JUST CANT BREATHE properly and its REALLY scary..I also have crushing chest pains which are REALLY horrible. I used to also get these attacks where it was like I was having a asthma attack, but I don’t usually get them anymore :) but this ‘cant be able to breathe’ thing is very scary and horribel. PLEASE HELP ME!

Answer #1

omg I have that same problem im in choir and sing a lot of solos at school I have horible breathing problems and chest pains to

Answer #2

I get the same thing! My throat gets sore on one side, and then I know that there is some of those “white stones” on that side. When they come out, the soreness goes away. I also have trouble catching my breath, which leads to anxiety. I am going to go to an ear nose & throat Dr. to figure this out! It makes me want to get my tonsils out. My sister and 9 year old daughter get the same stinking thing!!!

Answer #3

I Have the same problemmm

Answer #4

I had white stuff in my mouth once, i just had to do the old fashioned gargle with salt water

almost made me puke…but with the right anti-biotics and the salt water it was gone in a week or 2

Answer #5

When you say “white things” what exactly do yo mean? We don’t have much to go on, I would say it sounds like your tonsils are infected and probably swollen making it hard for you to sing. Tonsils can be removed..I suggest you have a talk with your doctor about taking them out. Try gurgling some warm salt water it helps to get rid of them. Take it easy with the singing for now and by all means avoid cold drinks. All the best.

Answer #6

you have Tonsillitis

its the inflammation of the tonsils in the mouth

to read more about it go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsillitis

Answer #7

okkk, I’ve gotten it 4 the first time. in the beginning, I thought it was just another sore throat, but then my doctor said I had tonsiliths. I’m sooo scared! im the only one in my family (brother, mom, dad) who hasnt gotten their tonsils out. I dont want 2 go through surgery, but it seems it might b worth it. they hurt like heck and I cant stand it!!! btw, I’m only 13!! I had never heard of these before, and neither had any of my friends or family! they are all worried, I have already been out of school 4 a week, and I cant miss anymore with surgery! What should I do??

Answer #8

Personally, I think you have tonsiliths. (AKA tonsil stones) They are caused by little pockets in your tonsils being filled with bacteria, then fought by white blood cells. That explains why the doctors said they were “getting rid of infections”. When they irritate your tonsils, the tonsils swell up a little making breathing uncomfortable. The tonsiliths can be caused by Acid reflux damaging the tonsils. Another symptom of Acid reflux is crushing chest pains, which you also described. Finally, Acid reflux’s symptoms can resemble that of a heart attack, causing anxiety in the person experiencing it.

What I recommend is that you see an Eye-Ear-Throat doctor for their opinion. If they don’t turn up any revealing information, you can by over-the-counter Acid reflux treatments and see what they do for you. After about a week the chest pains should go away or lessen. The tonsiliths will take longer, just keep gargling salt-water. They may, sadly, not go away until your tonsils are physically removed, but they CAN be REDUCED to a point where they are only the slightest nuisance.

I would like to end with the fact that a google search on “tonsilith” will reveal multiple communities of people going through the same problems. Check it out.

-An Angelic Endeavor

Answer #9

What is your qustion? The doctors told you what they are. Sounds like trenchmouth or a body yeast infection, both take a long time to heal. Get a second or third opinion. Ask a doctor these questions.

Answer #10

I have da same problem sometimes and dey smell really bad but I dont know any thing about it

Answer #11

Okay. so I have the same problem. After a lot of research, I found this article:

“Do you get frequent sore throats? Have you ever looked inside your mouth in a mirror and noticed your tonsils seem swollen? Do you sometimes feel like there is a foreign object caught in the back of your throat or occasionally cough up small, white, stone-like growths? If this is the case and your tonsils have not been removed, you may have what’s known as cryptic tonsillitis, a form of tonsillitis.

Cryptic Tonsillitis is usually not a very serious condition. The most common symptoms of this condition include mild sore throats which are caused by prolonged infection due to a build up of bacteria, discomfort in the back of the throat as a result of having tonsil stones lodged in the tonsils, and bad breath which is also a result of the foul-smelling tonsil stones. In more severe cases, cryptic tonsillitis can cause problems with breathing, make it difficult to swallow, and even cause frequent choking due to tonsil stones hidden deep within the tonsils which continue to grow over time, causing the tonsils to swell and block your airway and your esophagus.”

also watch this, it will help you understand more about it.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0wshwDhOrM&feature=related

Answer #12

I’ve had them for years but it isn’t related to any cold or flu for me. I think they’re just tiny little pieces of food stuck in the back of your throat. If they’re not removed a smelly little stone-like gets formed and comes out. For me, it happens often times in the morning when I gargle and rinse my mouth.

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