Questions & Answers

  1. Where can I design shirts online for my high school class?
  2. What is a website where I can photoshop 2 or more pictures together?
  3. Where can I buy nice swimwear for a small body?
  4. How do you determine which external harddrive to buy?
  5. What's the point in spelling "You" Y-U-H?
  6. Is it true that David Guetta is dead?
  7. How can I cope with my depression?
  8. What are the the requirements to join the NASA?
  9. Why do rabbits throw the hay out of their cages?
  10. How do you get rid of an earache caused by loud sounds?
  11. Has anyone else been experiencing problems accessing Google Takeout?
  12. How can I make a blog about different topics and discussions?
  13. How do I reduce the redness in spots quickly?
  14. What are your favourite snacks?
  15. How can I convince my parents to let me go camping with my boyfriend and 5 other friends?
  16. Who is into the game Wild West Town on Facebook?
  17. Is there any way to prevent oneself from slouching while working on the computer?
  18. What is the appropriate age to get a tattoo, a tongue piercing, and laser eye surgery?
  19. Why am I constantly craving food?
  20. What song goes "singin nooo"?
  21. Why do people get depressed over love songs or break up songs?
  22. How do those magicians make cards come out of people's mouths?
  23. Who do you think should win America's Got Talent?
  24. What are some cool websites to customize pictures?
  25. What causes cellulite to form?
  26. Who sings, "Eye of the Tiger"?
  27. What's the most scientific way to explain what "accuracy" is?
  28. What is a quick, fun place I can go to in New York?
  29. Are leggings wierd/akward to wear to school?
  30. What do you call it when your eyebrow changes direction at a certain point?
  31. Can people here be banned?
  32. What is Def Leppard's latest album?
  33. What's the funniest film you have ever seen?
  34. What is the nearest zoo and state with walruses that are near Maryland?
  35. How should I go about getting rid of the evil monkey in my closet?
  36. Can mosquitos spread HIV or any other trasmitted disease?
  37. how do you get the cockpit addict achievement on test drive unlimited 2?
  38. Is pancake batter and waffle batter the same thing?
  39. What kind of spider is small, brown, and somewhat spotted?
  40. What do you call a person that does not believe in any religion?
  41. Who wrote "Eye of the Tiger"?
  42. What is a free program I can use that is similar to HyperCam 2?
  43. Who's seen the movie "Drumline"?
  44. Why do women wear white t-shirts?
  45. Why do women have to cover their hair in some Church's - specifically Lutheran?
  46. Can my neighbour make me cut down my very large conifer in my garden?
  47. Do you prefer hot dogs or hamburgers?
  48. What are the Greek cultures can you find in the movie "Clash of the Titans"?
  49. When you're messaging someone on WhatsApp, does it cost money?
  50. What are quick and easy ways to get rid of a cold?
  51. How do I gain fat on my hips and butt?
  52. How can someone ease tension in their body so they can learn how to do some dances?
  53. What are some good song quotes about relaxing or being layed back in life?
  54. Is there any way to put movies from uTorrent into iTunes?
  55. What is the scariest, most grotesque, gory movie that you have ever seen?
  56. What are some fun, relatively high-paying jobs?
  57. Can vitamin D can be taken from the sun when sunblock is on?
  58. Would your parents allow you to do this/ Would you allow your daughter the following ...?
  59. How could I dress up like a typical 60's teenager?
  60. Can I get an internship before college for a year?
  61. Can a tiny bible withstand the power of a bullet?
  62. Is it wierd to be sixteen and still getting an allowance, rather than just getting a job?
  63. How do I get rid of problem pimples in 12 hours?
  64. who likes pitbull????
  65. What to do after high school (read info please)?
  66. Can u really use bible pages to roll a j?
  67. How do I get baby powder off my black vans?
  68. Which size clip should I use in my Nerf Longstrike sniper rifle?
  69. How can i stray away from my cell phone for an entire night?
  70. What are some good girl power songs?
  71. Is President Obama still as popular as when he won the Presidential Election?
  72. Why do i feel like i shouldnt be with my boyfriend?
  73. How Do you break through with your song lyrics if you have very little money for studio or studio equipment?
  74. What does tolering mean?
  75. What Are Some Good Clothes Sewing Sights?
  76. How may people on this site believe in the rapture?
  77. Are nuns allowed to show their hair?
  78. What is a good site where I can make those big rubber braclets?
  79. Does anyone here know people who are "objectumsexuals"?
  80. How can you switch your FunAdvice points to your PayPal for money?
  81. What are some drawbacks of having braces?
  82. What websites sell black and white t-shirts?
  83. Is there any hope for FA?
  84. What type of vehicle do you (or your parents) drive?
  85. What is an accurate German translation of 'I can't remember where I found it. Sorry'?
  86. How can I curl my hair to make it look super nice?
  87. What is your favorite flavor of Life water?
  88. Do you say "aunt" or "ant"?
  89. How to stop being such a pushover?
  90. What are good ways to make money online?
  91. Are there pills or medicine that makes your hair grow strong?
  92. Are stay-cations just as fun as vacations?
  93. Why is Marilyn Manson such a freak but sings so awesome?
  94. Whats the name of an organism that is not male nor female?
  95. Do you think hair styles like these would look good for me?
  96. What are some good rap songs from the year 2000?
  97. Where should an exchange student from the USA go - France or England?
  98. What music artists do you think I should look up?
  99. How devastated would we guys be if video games didn't exist?
  100. What are some good sites to get free music to use in computer movie making?