Questions & Answers

  1. How to reduce the appearance of veins?
  2. What is a diet supplement or pill that helps with weight loss (read more)?
  3. Would I look good with an undercut?
  4. Where can I go to to learn more about giving ideas for a Disney channel show?
  5. How do I update my profile pic on my iPod?
  6. Do they have alligators in Italy and other European countries?
  7. Why do all little kids like going up and down stairs?
  8. Why are beef, chicken, turkey, and fish the most common meats and others not?
  9. Where can I watch South Park free online?
  10. How are Christian and Jewish beliefs different?
  11. What do you think is worse to use as a sleeping aid - alcohol, or actual sleeping pills?
  12. Do I need to register to get dual citizenship with UK/Australia or just get a British passport?
  13. Where can I get some cute glasses?
  14. What are "kandi bracelets"?
  15. Is catnip poisonous or dangerous if freshly grown and not dried?
  16. Which continent would you move to if you could no longer live in North America?
  17. Why is my Blackberry constantly freezing?
  18. What is 30% of $13,000?
  19. What does a section leader have to do to be good?
  20. How can I make a good 1st impression on my teachers without really talking to them?
  21. How much weight does it take to break a diving board?
  22. Can I use normal school glue or a glue stick to attach a photo to paper?
  23. Is it true that Cubans don't like white people?
  24. What triggers acid reflux?
  25. Why do most schools not allow you to have rips in your pants?
  26. Did any of you find "Basic Instinct" to be a stupid movie?
  27. Are spoiled kids from wealthy families?
  28. What type of Bikini would you wear?
  29. Is "dangit" a cuss word?
  30. Is their a great celebrity site that I can find celebrities in bikinis and not nude?
  31. How would you guys describe Uncle Jeb from Stephanie Meyer's 'The Host'?
  32. Is it true that sleeping over 10 hours per day can possibly cause depression?
  33. What year did the world start?
  34. How did rapping start?
  35. What are the best restaraunts ever?
  36. What are the grossest foods you've ever heard of?
  37. How can I get myself to stop thinking so I can fall asleep?
  38. Why is my laptop running online videos slow and choppy?
  39. Can cotton hold liquid?
  40. Is it Illegal for teens to carry knives around?
  41. How to take care of my nose piercing?
  42. Does sunblock prevent you from having a tan?
  43. How do I receive Tips of the day to my email?
  44. When will I ever get over him?
  45. How can I help my boyfriend find God?
  46. What are some songs to cry to, for those moods when you're just feeling really down?
  47. Why is everyone so negative when it comes to their appearance?
  48. What happened to CTV's hit show, "Human Target"?
  49. Why do I sound totally different when I record my voice?
  50. What is a brief time line of the Trojan War with at least 10 events?
  51. Can I get my laptop to run faster?
  52. How to get rid of acne with super sensitive skin?
  53. How do you get rid of middle child syndrome?
  54. How does smoking make people lose weight?
  55. Does anyone have any good ideas for a homecoming theme?
  56. In what year did they first start recording time (read more)?
  57. How do you like your eggs in the morning?
  58. How do I get a piece of meat that is stuck in my throat out?
  59. What do you think about the movie "Soul Surfer"?
  60. What did people use to brush their teeth before tooth paste was invented?
  61. Where can I find handles/straps for my bag?
  62. Why do people always delete their comments on FunAdvice?
  63. How come when I post a comment, it always posts twice?
  64. Do you believe the earth is hollow?
  65. Can it be harmful to be bitten by a mosquito a lot of times, like 12 times at once?
  66. Can I put numbing cream on my tongue that I just got pierced?
  67. What's the new movie with Taylor Launtner in it?
  68. Can I bring 148ml face cleanser in my suitcase (not the carry on luggage)?
  69. How big a piece of land is sector 16 and is it used for anything today?
  70. What are some good themes/plots that I can use for a Fanfiction?
  71. Can someone tell me why my phone isn't working?
  72. Is it better to have more or less binders for school?
  73. Should I get a tattoo of this on my arm?
  74. What are some interesting games?
  75. Should I apply for this student money or will it get me into more debt?
  76. How do I change my Gimp to English?
  77. Why am I bleeding so heavily a few days before I'm due to take my Nuvaring out?
  78. Do you think this dress is too short for my girlfriend to wear out or is it ok?
  79. How do I get rid of a pimple that's just in the corner of my eye?
  80. Where is a good place online I can find healthy recipes for common foods?
  81. How do I make my ferret stop scratching up the carpet?
  82. What is the best store bought dye I could use to change my hair from black to blonde?
  83. Why can't I look at people when I'm talking?
  84. Do I need a visa to go to London and, if so, which one?
  85. Do guys like really pale looking girls?
  86. Who can tell me what happened to my iPod music (read more)?
  87. What are some "futuristic" sounding names for a guy and what are some "homeless guy" sounding names?
  88. Do you think it's rude when a family member makes you compete with another family member?
  89. What's the difference between acne and pimples?
  90. How big are the Ultra Nurishair capsules?
  91. What should I do on my trip to NYC this September?
  92. How to make a bathrobe?
  93. How do I get my girlfriend of 7 months back?
  94. Who knows of some good dudstep artists?
  95. How can you tell if a cut is infected?
  96. Where can I find an 80 cm long hoodie, that's thick for winter?
  97. What movie can keeep me and my cousin awake?
  98. Is it supposed to burn when you put toothpaste on a pimple ?
  99. Who can sing "All I Wanted" by Paramore?
  100. Whats the price difference for a tongue ring at Platinum Ink on Saturdays and Sundays?